Saved by the Husband

586 26 8

Original prompt: Name

"This one is a citrus blend," Maribelle said, indicating the tea leaves that were lying on the table in front of us. "Now, do you remember what this one is?"

She pointed towards some leaves that looked almost identical. I stared at them and mentally listed all the ways in which I could possibly escape from this situation. I would rather have gouged my eyes out than learned the names of tea, but somehow, I'd ended up here anyway. The garrison was usually one of my favourite places in the castle, but I'd never been so desperate to leave. "No."

"It's rose tea, Robin. Honestly! Are all lowborns like this?"

I rolled my eyes.

Lissa shot me a sympathetic glance from her spot near the doorway. She'd arrived a few minutes ago, but Maribelle was yet to notice. She was too busy lecturing me.

"Now, this one is elderberry tea. Do you think you can remember that? Goodness, all fine ladies –"

I picked up a spoon that someone had left lying on the table, wondering how much damage the blunt handle could do. Of course, I could have just drawn my sword, but it would be harder to get away with the murder...

Lissa took pity on me and stepped forward as if she was just entering the room. "Robin, there you are! Chrom needs you. You're to go to his study at once."

I brightened up instantly. The spoon clattered against the table as it slipped from my fingers. "Of course. My apologies, Maribelle. It looks as though we may have to continue this a different time."

I turned away from her stormy pout and trotted out of the garrison after Lissa. As soon as I'd pulled the door shut behind us, I breathed a sigh of relief. "Thank you! I don't suppose Chrom really needs me?"

We started to climb up the short flight of stairs to the main level of the ground floor. Lissa giggled. "Nope! I just made that up so that you could get out of – there..." Her eyes fixed on something to my left.

I reached the top of the steps and turned.

Chrom was walking down the corridor towards us, close enough to be in earshot. He smiled. "Don't be silly. I always need you."

My heart leapt. Watching his eyes, filled with warmth like the ocean on a summer's day, started a contented glow in my stomach. The longer I looked, the hotter it burned. The ties around our hearts seemed to become tighter, pulling me towards him. I wanted us to connect. I wanted to feel his lips against mine, to –

"Hello, love birds?" Lissa folded her arms across her chest.

I jumped and realised that I was now just a few inches away from Chrom. It would be so easy to ignore Lissa and close the gap between us.

My sister-in-law cleared her throat noisily. "Hey, Robin! Don't forget me! I saved you from the clutches of Maribelle, remember? A little thank you would be nice. I..."

The rest of what she said became muffled as if it was underwater, then vanished completely. The invisible tie had pulled itself tighter, and I was helpless to resist the urges of my heart.

Chrom grasped my shoulders and hauled me closer just as I stepped forward. Our lips crashed together with the clumsiness of a fiery passion.

There was a rush of air somewhere beside us, like a noisy exhale. When Chrom and I finally pulled apart, Lissa had gone.

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