The Engagement Pendant

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Original prompt: Necklace

When Chrom and I finally made our impending marriage public knowledge, I was delighted. But I never realised that my engagement pendant would attract so much attention until the first time I went out to market.

Of course, it wasn't the usual way that a prince proposed. I should have been walking around with an expensive jewel on my finger, but Chrom knew me better than that. A necklace wouldn't catch on things while I was working. A necklace could be worn in a fight. And a necklace could be kept close to my heart.

It was much plainer than some fancy ring, too. It was a gesture of love, not of promised riches. Chrom was the ruler of Ylisse, but he could have been a farmer for all I cared. I loved him.

Love was more than most royals were lucky to find, and this meant that whenever I left the castle, I received questions and compliments about the pendant and the wedding. The first time, it was overwhelming.

Sumia and Cordelia had dragged me around the market with them. They left me as soon as they set foot through the castle doors to show their purchases to their other halves. I started to walk to Chrom's study.

He stepped out of the Great Hall instead, having perhaps just held a meeting. I called his name, and he turned towards me, his eyes brightening. My purchases were considerably lighter than those of my friends, so I had no trouble walking faster to greet him.

He wrapped an arm around my waist as soon as I reached his side. "How was the market?"

I thought of the compliments and support the people of Ylisstol had given me and blushed, taking the locket in my hands. "It was all right."

He raised his eyebrows. "You've gone red. Just all right? Is there something you're not telling me? Did you find another handsome man and fall in love with him while you were out?"

I laughed softly. "No."

"That's good to hear. I'd have to take that pendant back, and you seem especially fond of it."

I blushed even harder.

"You're not usually this shy." He tightened his grip on my waist, pulling me right up against him.

Excitement flashed from my heart to the tips of my toes. My hands fell from the pendant and went to the back of his head. He captured my lips in his, and I ran my fingers through his hair.

When he tried to pull back, I drew him towards me again. I would decide when this magic ended.

When I finally released him, he smiled. "Ah, there's the Robin I know. For a moment, I thought someone had taken your place." He laughed, and then his face grew serious. "I would know, of course. I would feel it right here."

He took my hand and placed it over his heart.

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