Breakfast Tragedy

557 25 15

Original prompt: Breakfast

Stahl's favourite time of day was, undoubtedly, breakfast. The morning was always when he was at his hungriest, having not eaten for at least a few hours while he'd been sleeping. It was satisfying to get rid of those immense cravings and to start his day feeling full – at least for five minutes.

There was only one memory he had where it had been the worst part of his day.

There had been so much to choose from that morning: muffins, soup, bread, beef, fish, and bacon. He'd taken at least one of everything. He was looking forward to it so much, he was practically drooling as he made his way to the Shepherds' table.

He glanced down at his food for a second, just to revitalise the image in his head. It looked so yummy and –

Someone came flying towards him out of the corner of his eye. He glanced up again, but he was too late to move. They crashed into him. The tray slipped from his hands.

He fell backwards. There was one heart-stopping moment where nothing could be heard, and he hoped that maybe, just maybe, his food was all right.


He landed on his back. Something hot and sticky ran along his head. Was that his soup?

This was the worst day he'd ever experienced in his entire life.

"I'm so sorry," Sumia said as she rolled off him. "I just tripped over my own feet. I'll get you a new breakfast, with extra muffins and everything!"

Stahl just stared at her. He was in too much shock to speak.

Sumia stood up and walked behind him. He could hear her scraping broken plates together. "I'm really, really sorry, Stahl. I'm so sorry. I – ow!" The crockery clattered to the floor again. "Say something, please."

He could see the rest of the Shepherds from here, trying to hide their laughter.

"Oh, gods, Stahl, is that blood on the back of your head?"

Oh. So it hadn't been his soup. That didn't really make him feel better.

He made sure to avoid Sumia at breakfast every day for the rest of the week.

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