She Doesn't Need a Hero

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Original prompt: Umbrella

Lately, Cordelia had caught herself wondering why she had ever been in love with Chrom.

It wasn't as if it didn't make sense on paper. Chrom sometimes seemed like the sort of hero she had read about in story books when she'd been a child. He tried to save everyone, he would almost always grant mercy if it was begged of him, and he cared greatly for his people. Every member of his own militia was a friend whom he knew inside out. Then there were his good looks and his station, although Cordelia had never cared about the latter.

The problem was that she'd always imagined herself and Chrom as the perfect match until Robin had arrived. Then her opinion had slowly started to change.

Chrom and Robin were so alike, from their determination to save everyone to their stubbornness. It was plain to see that Robin had never imagined Chrom as her fairy tale prince or her hero. No, Robin and Chrom were equals in their relationship. Both saved each other, both soothed each other, both picked each other up when they fell down.

Cordelia had never imagined herself as a damsel in distress alongside Chrom, but she couldn't say that she'd ever imagined a relationship quite like the one that he had with his tactician.

Watching them was what had opened her eyes to how a relationship should be. The people involved should be partners, equals, and friends. Like her and Stahl.

She was glad that Chrom had married Robin. It had allowed her to move on and see what was right in front of her. Now, it was almost her turn to be wed.

Her husband-to-be wasn't a hero to the public eye. He was an unknown soldier, making up the numbers of the Shepherds. But while most people saw him as an ordinary man, to her he was the world. She loved everything about him, from his consideration of others to his scatter-brained personality regarding himself.

He was demonstrating the latter right now as he stood in the winter rain with water dripping from his olive hair, enjoying the nature of the royal gardens without getting an umbrella.

They made a great team because they looked out for each other.

He glanced up when she approached and smiled sheepishly as she lifted her umbrella. Then he put his arm around her shoulders.

She leaned into him as she watched the heavens release a torrent of water upon the earth. They could be anywhere in the world right now, watching the rain fall in the mountains of Regna Ferox or the faraway land of Chon'sin. It didn't matter to her as long as Stahl was at her side.

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