Cold Embrace

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Original prompt: Cold Embrace

Lissa was starting to get used to the freezing temperatures of Regna Ferox. As long as she wore all of her coats and at least two pairs of gloves when she went outside during the winter, she could just about get by.

She definitely relished the feeling of the sun on her skin when she visited her brother in Ylisse, but she could never dream of living anywhere else except here. Ferox was where Lon'qu wanted to be, and so it was also where she liked to spend her time.

Preferably with her husband, of course.

She was currently waiting for him in the royal gardens of Castle Ferox, and she was starting to wonder if her backside had been frozen onto the bench. Lon'qu had said he would be here ten minutes ago, but she hadn't seen him. It probably meant that he'd been waylaid by Basilio.

She could just go into the castle and find him. He was the west-khan's right-hand man. Anyone would be able to tell her where he was. But he'd told her that he wanted to meet her here, and so, even though patience was not her best virtue, she waited.

She knew that he wanted them to sit out here because it had snowed in the night. It was, in fact, the first snowfall since the summer. Which hadn't actually been that long ago. But the Feroxi always celebrated it, and Lon'qu liked to perform the country's customs. His years in Ferox were much longer than his years in Chon'sin now.

She heard someone crunching through the snow, and she turned to the right to see if it was her husband.

Nothing. All she could see was frozen shrubbery and the castle's famously difficult maze. Even Robin would take hours to get in and out of it, and she tried every single time she visited.

Cold arms suddenly curled around her from the left. Lissa shrieked in surprise and turned her head to see Lon'qu smiling.

"Ah! Lon'qu!" she exclaimed. "You're f-freezing!"

"I was trying to warm you up." The smile morphed back into his usual stern expression.

"Well, you're m-making me even colder!" She pulled away so that only their shoulders were touching. "Where have you been?"

"I was talking with Khan Basilio elsewhere in the gardens."

"Couldn't you have spoken inside? Then you'd be warmer, and I could use you as a hot water bottle."

Lon'qu frowned and opened his mouth as if to snap out a sharp retort. Then he hesitated. His features softened. "We could go back inside for a moment, if you like? I can find you another coat."

"I'm already wearing all the coats I own."

"Oh." He frowned again. "Maybe we should get you a new one?"

Lissa perked up. "Oh! Yes! Can we go now?"

He smiled. "We can go soon. First, I want to sit here and enjoy the snow for a minute, like we said we would."

He wrapped his arms around her once more.

"Argh! Lon'qu! Get off me! I'm f-freezing again!"

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