Fortune Flowers

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Original prompt: Daisy

"He loves me...he loves me not...he loves me...he loves me not..."

Sumia was sitting on a bench in the royal gardens of Castle Ylisse, a daisy clenched between her fingers. Several more destroyed versions of the specimen were lying at her feet, their heads crushed. This one was being ripped apart in a particularly violent manner.

"He loves me..."

He'd taken her on many different dates and given her a real glimpse of the man behind all the armour. He asked her if she was all right every time she fell over, and if she was lucky enough for him to catch her, it always made her heart flutter.

"He loves me not..."

But he had gotten a little bit angry when she'd dropped all the plates and broken them during cooking duty on their last mission. And he'd looked less than impressed the time she'd accidently pulled up a patch of good flowers when she should have been weeding, the time when she hadn't locked the door of his mare's stable properly and she had escaped, the time when...

Oh, the list could go on.

And, of course, he hadn't kissed her. That was what worried her the most.

"He loves –"

"Sumia, what are you doing?"

Sumia startled and dropped the daisy. Frederick was standing in front of her. She'd been so absorbed in her task that she hadn't heard him coming along the pathway. "Nothing. I'm not doing anything."

Frederick glanced down at the pile of destroyed plants at her feet. "Right."

"It's just been a bit of a stressful day, that's all. I'm, er...using the flowers as a stress relief."

His gaze softened, and he settled on the bench next to her. "What's wrong?"

"J-just the usual. I'm falling over a lot and messing everything up and wishing that I could do better."

"So long as you strive to help people, success will eventually find its way to you," Frederick said. "Not that I mind your clumsiness, anyway."

Sumia smiled hesitantly. "You really don't mind that all I'm good for is falling on my face?"

"You're good for much more than that. You try your hardest for the Shepherds, you make unruly animals trust you, and you're a talented pegasus knight. And you motivate me. You make my day brighter. When I am near you, I cannot tear my eyes away."

He looked up at her from under his lashes, and she found herself rooted to the spot by the heat in his gaze. He leaned forwards slowly. She tilted her head towards him, her eyes closed in anticipation.

His lips brushed against hers, and butterflies fluttered in her stomach. The kiss was short and sweet, but enough for Sumia to make up her mind.

This was the start of something extraordinary between them. The last flower had been right.

He loves me.

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