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Original prompt: Dawn

Lucina couldn't stop thinking about those whose fates she did not know. Her best friend was sleeping to her left. Her younger brother was sleeping to her right. But what about the others? Were they safe? Were they lying elsewhere in Ylisse, and if they were, were they sleeping or were they dead?

Lucina was neither. She was awake because sleep had never come to her easily, and she was alive because she had no choice but to be. It was time to face a new day in which they would fight Risen, avoid Grima, and struggle to reach Mount Prism and perform the Awakening. It was what they always did.

She sat up and rubbed her eyes, then pulled her knees to her chest and looked at the sky. Even dawn was different now that Grima was here. There was a purple tinge to the pinks and oranges, as if the fell dragon's presence was polluting the sun. It washed Morgan and Gerome, the only two people that she had left, in a rose-lilac light of hope.

These were the two people who she loved most in the world. She would do anything to protect them from the horrors they had to face, and part of her wished that she could just leave them here. She was used to seeing the look of peaceful innocence on her brother's face when he slept, but she was not used to seeing Gerome's. His expression was never that relaxed, never that smooth and angelic, when he was awake. Not anymore.

Gathering her courage, she placed one hand on either of their shoulders and gently shook them awake. They could be innocent children no longer. The fate of the world rested in their hands, and they had work to do.

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