Six-Pack Pillow

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Original prompt: Pillow

"'Mm tired," Lissa slurred as she staggered to the carriage that was waiting for them. "So...tired."

She tripped and almost fell, and Lon'qu grimaced as he tightened his grip on her waist. At first, his task had been to guide her down the street in a straight line, but now it was apparently to keep her on her feet. One of them had been drinking, and it definitely hadn't been him.

He opened the door to the carriage that Flavia had insisted they travel in and gave Lissa a boost inside. He waited until he was certain that she'd just fallen onto the seat and not the floor before climbing in after her.

Once the door was shut, the carriage lurched forwards, taking them back to the tavern they were currently staying in. They were a long way from the castle in the Feroxi capital now – almost halfway around their tour of the country – and so the tavern was their temporary home.

Lissa, however, seemed to think that their temporary home was here. She leaned her head against Lon'qu's chest and closed her eyes. He looked at her fondly. Not that long ago, he would never have dreamed of allowing a woman to get this close. Now, here he was, partying with one as so-called "research" and letting her fall asleep against him.

He angled himself so that she would be more comfortable, then closed his eyes. There was nowhere else he'd rather be than here with Lissa at his side.

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