Missing Buttons

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Original prompt: Button

The advantage of being a princess, I quickly discovered after my marriage to Chrom, was that you didn't have to go very far to do a lot of things.

For example, I was entitled to use the services of the royal dressmakers. I could ask them to create any clothing I wished for. I could also ask them to fix things, like a tear in my beloved coat, or a ripped hem on a dress.

Of course, I could have just sewn some things myself. But I was hopeless with a needle and thread, and I usually managed to destroy whatever garment I was trying to mend. So, even simple things like missing coat buttons had to be dealt with by the dressmakers.

I shouldn't have felt so flustered about it. Buttons fall off clothing, especially well-loved pieces. But when the dressmakers asked me if I still had them all, I froze.

I remembered Chrom tearing at my coat frantically as if there was no time left in the world. Then there was a ping as something small flew through the air and hit the floor at the other end of the room. Chrom's lips curved upwards in a mischievous smile, and he breathed an apology down my ear. Then something else pinged, and then something else, as if he was just doing it on purpose.

I decided to take my revenge by ripping open his shirt, and I splayed my hand across his chest, feeling the hard muscles beneath his skin. I reached for his trousers with the other, struggling to get them off without being able to see because my lips were now attached to his.

We broke apart briefly so that he could step out of his trousers and I could pull my shirt over my head. Then we collided again.

Chrom picked me up and pushed me against the wall. I was lost in the way his lips tasted (like sugar today, as if he'd eaten a cupcake) and then –

"I'll take that as a no." Roxy, one of the assistant dressmakers, pried my coat from my arms with a grin. She was of Lissa's age and a similar nature, something I usually appreciated. Today, however, I knew I was going to find an exception.

I glanced at the other dressmakers as my cheeks flamed. Surely they must have guessed what I was thinking about. But only Roxy was looking at me knowingly.

"Good for you. She gave me a friendly nudge. "I wish I had a man who tore my clothes off like that."

I wanted the floor to swallow me up. "It wasn't –"

"No, three buttons just fell off at the same time by accident." She winked. "Of course."

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