Close Call

678 25 13

Original prompt: Falling

Sumia was always clumsy, but there was a time when the Shepherds were not so used to it. A time when they worried about every slip and tumble before they realised how frequently they occurred.

There was one man, however, who would always ask if she was all right long after the others had adjusted, whether Sumia had fallen on her face once that day or five times. This everlasting concern started long before they were even courting.

Sumia had not long joined the Shepherds and was still getting used to the random weapons that could be found lying around the garrison. She was on her way to her room after a particularly hard training session led by Frederick when she tripped over a lance that had been left next to one of the tables.

Falling was always a drawn out, excruciating experience for her. She had to suffer what seemed to be eternal embarrassment every time she sailed through the air, never hitting the floor before she realised what was happening. This gave her plenty of time to see that the corner of the table was lined up with her temple. It looked sharp.

She was a millimetre away from it when someone yanked her back up by the waist. "Are you all right?"

She turned around unsteadily to find Frederick staring at her. His usual stern look had been replaced with concern that was just as intense.

She nodded.

His features softened with relief. Sumia was surprised at how different it made him look. He was always so uptight, and just a few minutes ago he'd been downright scary as he'd instructed them. She'd never seen him like this before.

She'd also never seen him so close. She backed away, flustered, and lost her balance again. Frederick grabbed her hand and hauled her towards him before she could fall on her backside.

"Careful," he said, but his tone was easier now. "You really do fall over a lot."

Sumia was still too flustered to speak, so she nodded again. She knew that her face must be bright red.

Then, to her surprise, he said, "How many times am I going to have to catch you?"

"A lot," she finally whispered.

And she was right.

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