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Original prompt: Pyjamas

I'd always liked to snuggle up in bed in my smallclothes, not fancy nightgowns. Chrom had never seemed to mind, but during the run-up to our wedding, I began to wonder if I should be making more of an effort.

The doubt started to set in while Sumia was training to be my guard. She and I would go to the Ylisstol market each week so that she could gain some experience of what her duties to me would be when we were in public together. Our trips quickly evolved from training sessions into full-blown outings. They were an excuse to have a proper chat and spend a bit of money. Sumia enjoyed looking at all the flowers, and I would usually return to the castle with a new strategy book. We'd always have a nice time. Except for one thing.

During every trip, Sumia would pressure me to buy sexy nightwear. I always ignored her until the day she mentioned that she knew Chrom and I had been sleeping together.

The people of Ylisse liked things to be traditional, and so as soon as she started talking about needing the appropriate garments for all the action I was getting, I caved in and let her pick some short, lacy nightgowns for me, shushing her all the while.

Now I was sitting on my bed in one of the flimsy garments, wondering what in the name of Naga I had done. I couldn't wear it in front of Chrom. It just looked too embarrassing. I felt thoroughly humiliated already, and I was alone.

I was just considering changing back when there was a knock on the door.

I put down the new tactics book that I'd been reading. It was very late. Most of the garrison was probably asleep by now. There was only one person who would have decided to pay me a surprise visit at this hour, and I knew by the ecstatic leap of my heart that it was certainly him. "Chrom?"

"It's me."

Oh, gods. "Hold on!"

I glanced around frantically for something else to wear. Changing was going to take too long without an explanation, so for now, I yanked my coat out of the wardrobe. I let the hanger ping back and hit the wood, already shrugging the protection on as I raced towards the door.

Chrom was, understandably, looking confused when I let him in. I'd never made him wait before – the longer he stood out there, the more likely he was to be seen. Sumia might have worked out what was going on, but not everyone in the garrison needed to know.

I quickly pushed the door shut again as soon as he was inside, one hand holding my coat closed. "Hello."

His quizzical frown deepened. "Hello. Why are you wearing your coat at this time of night?"

"Um...I was just trying something on. But it looks awful, so I can't let you see." I turned my back on him. "Cover your eyes while I get changed."

"There's no point in getting changed. I'm going to take it all off, whatever it is, so you might as well let me look."

"I can't."

"Why? What is it?"

I blushed. "Sumia made me buy some...revealing pyjamas. I'm so embarrassed. Please look away."

To my alarm, I heard him come closer instead. "Let me see."


"Robin, I've seen you with nothing on at all. Why does it matter if the pyjamas are revealing?"

"It's not exactly what they reveal that's the problem. It's just that they look ridiculous."

"I'll be the judge of that," he said, and then my coat was on the floor.


His hands fell on my shoulders, and he guided me around to face him.

I closed my eyes. "Please, Chrom, just let me get changed, let me get into something else –"

He took a sharp breath, loud enough to interrupt my ramble. I opened my eyes and met his hungry gaze before it trailed along my body. His hands slid to my hips and tightened there. "I like it."

He looked up again and bridged the distance between us as he lifted me into his arms. He paused for a moment as we savoured one another, then lowered me onto the bed. Within seconds, the nightgown was off. "That was easy. I like it even better."

I smiled, my fingers falling to his shirt while he bent down and kissed my neck. "Should I wear it again?"

"Wear whatever you want. You look beautiful in everything. But you look best when you're wearing nothing at all."

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