The Princess and the Dragon

587 24 32

Original prompt: Mythology


I jumped, my eyes shooting over to the doorway of the library. My cheeks coloured with guilt.

Morgan, now three years old, was standing there. He grinned at me and toddled over eagerly. "What you reading?"

I glanced down at the book in front of me, which was definitely not the work I was supposed to be doing. "Where's your father, Morgie?"

"Here." Chrom strolled into the library with a smile. Lucy was skipping along at his side.

"Did he leave you behind again?"

"He did." Chrom stopped in front of my table. "He can run damn fast."

"Daddy said a naughty word," Lucy giggled.

I rolled my eyes. "Daddy always says naughty words around little ears."

Chrom shrugged awkwardly, offering me a hopeful smile.

I narrowed my eyes.

"Wow! A dragon!" Morgan was now standing next to me, jumping up and down so that he could see what was on my desk. His eyes were on the mythology book that I'd been reading. A picture of a small, green dragon decorated the right-hand page. "I want to be a dragon!"

He started running around in little circles, roaring at the top of his lungs.

I winced. "Shh, Morgie! Be a quieter dragon. Some people are trying to work in here."

Morgan gave me a sad look, as if being a quiet dragon was the end of the world. But he obeyed.

"Obviously not you." Chrom perched on the edge of my desk and picked up the mythology book. His eyes were sparkling mischievously. "This doesn't look like tactics to me."

I pulled it away from him and snapped it shut. "I got distracted. The mythology of Ylisse is truly amazing."

"I want to be a princess!" Lucy exclaimed, bounding over to Morgan. "The princess must defeat the dragon!"

They began to duel with imaginary swords.

Chrom looked at me. "I think she's got the fairy tales confused. Isn't a prince supposed to save the princess from the dragon?"

"Lucy would never rely on someone else to save her when she could be fighting," I said. "Though...this does have a strange resemblance to what we had to do, doesn't it? The princess against the dragon. Lucina, and then me."

Chrom's eyes softened, and he slid off the desk. He pulled me to my feet and wrapped his arms around my back so that he was holding me tight against him. Hugging me always seemed to be his reaction whenever I brought that subject up. It was like he was afraid that if he let go, I might fade away again.

We stood together for a few minutes. Chrom's grip on me slowly relaxed. "I wonder if Lucina has this memory, or if it's something new as a result of what we did?"

I pulled away from him and watched my youngest daughter pretend to save the world from the Morgan dragon. My heart gave a small, involuntary ache of sadness for the woman that she had become in another timeline.

"I wonder," I whispered.

"Mommy!" Lucy called, turning away from Morgan and hurrying over. "Can we get dressed up? I want to dress up as a princess!"

I laughed. "You are a princess. But I suppose it shouldn't be too hard. Why don't we go and put one of your fancy dresses on?"

She pulled a face. "I can't fight in a dress. I need a cape, like Daddy and Lucina. And a tiara."

I smiled. "All right. Shall we ask Sumia if she could make them for you?"

"Yes, please!"

"I want to dress up, too," Morgan grumbled.

I gave Chrom a massive smile. "Daddy can find you a dragon costume."

He shot me an alarmed look. Where am I going to get that?

I shrugged at him, taking Lucy's hand and guiding her towards the door. "See you later!"

"You owe me for this!"

I put my hand on the doorknob and glanced over my shoulder. "Oh, don't worry. I'll pay you back later."

Chrom's eyes darkened satisfactorily, and I laughed as I yanked open the door and ushered Lucy into the hallway. "Good luck finding that costume!"

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