A Chance Meeting

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Original prompt: A Chance Meeting

Sometimes, it was the little things about her that would brighten up Chrom's day.

He'd go somewhere in the castle, and she would be there. She wouldn't even have to notice him for a smile to come to his face – just seeing her was enough. It sent an electrifying swoop of excitement deep inside him that was greater than anything else he'd ever experienced. Every time he saw her, all his thoughts would be replaced with a single word, but the way he felt made it say everything.


She might be standing in the corridor, laughing at something Sumia had said. She would throw her head back, and her white-blonde hair would cascade down her shoulders in a mesmerising waterfall. Chrom would instantly want to know the joke. He would want to hear what had made his wife so happy.

She might be sitting in the library, her mouth pressed into a thin line as she worked. Whenever she was thinking, she always took her engagement pendant between her fingers and fiddled with it. Chrom would want to cover her hands with his own and make her stop worrying. He would want to help her to understand whatever was the problem.

She might be loitering in the kitchens before breakfast, waiting to see him again. It was only on a very busy day that they did not enter the dining hall together, but she would always be there for him. Her beautiful voice would ring out across the dining hall as she talked with the servants, and Chrom would follow the sweet music like a scavenger trail.

She might be in his study when he opened the door, sitting on his desk with an old textbook in her hands. She often got distracted by them when she went in to drop papers off. Her eyes would be filled with hunger, and she would turn the pages quickly, as if she was afraid that she would lose the words before she had time to read them. Chrom would want to laugh and tell her to calm down because she had all the time she needed. She would never lose time again.

But wherever she was, whatever she was doing, he would refrain from what he wanted, even if only for a moment. She would always find him.

In the corridor, she would look past Sumia and catch sight of him, and her laughter would become more joyful. In the library, she would sense his presence and ask for his assistance without looking up. In the kitchens, she would call to him, encouraging him to hurry. In his study, she would smile and cast the book aside.

And he would always go to her, to hear the joke, to see her work, to chat with her, or to hold her close, because there was some sort of magnetism between them, like an invisible tie that bound their hearts, and he could never be happier than when they were together.

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