bumping into him unexpectedly

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~bumping into him unexpectedly while upset/crying~


That's it. That's the last straw. You were completely tired of your boyfriend's crude remarks about your weight.

He doesn't get it, does he? He doesn't get how absolutely insecure you were about the number that showed up on the scale, but he just thought it was sooo hilarious.

Well, you were done. You don't need to be teased by him, who is somebody who's supposed to love and support you, not put you down.

After telling your jerk of a (now ex) boyfriend that the relationship was over, you hurried out of his house and got into your car, barely shutting the door before the tears started flowing.

He'd been your boyfriend for 5 months, and breaking it off felt like ripping your favorite shirt. But it was for the best, right? He was a superficial douche, anyway.

You start the car while the teardrops kept running steadily down your face, promising sticky cheeks and puffy eyes later.

You carefully drive over to the nearby park and pull your car into the lot. You cry in your car for a while before wiping your eyes and getting out, though tears are still squeezing their way between your almost closed eyelids and slowing seeping down your cheeks.

You find a bench and breath out deeply as you sit down, when it all hits you again and the tears turn from a leak to a stream.

You fish around in your large purse for a tissue, and quietly curse when you pul out an empty bag that used to contain some tissues. Allergy season, what can you do?

You settle for using the ends of your sleeves, and you huff out the small amount of air your tight throat managed to transport to your lungs.

"You okay?" you hear somebody say.

'No. I want to cry forever and I have no reason' is what you wanted to say, but you settled for a simple "just dandy".

You look up through your teary eyes and see a quite blurry but very attractive boy in front of you. He had on shorts and a t-shirt, and judging by the amount of sweat on him and his heavy breathing, he looked like he was out on a run.

"You sure?" He asked.

You shut your eyes and shook your head. You felt him sit down next to you and hesitantly out his arm around your shoulder.

"Whatever it is, I'm sure you'll be fine. By the way, I'm Luke."

"[Y/N]. And I just broke up with my boyfriend. Well, ex. He had been making some comments about my weight for a while and I just got fed up." I admitted. "Wow I can't believe I just told you that!"

You and Luke laughed loudly for a while, your tears stopping and drying.

"Well I think your perfect, weight and all. You're stunning." He states shamelessly like its obvious

"Thanks.." You say while cheeks turn a deep shade of red.

You wipe your eyes one last time and point your eyes to Luke. Finally, you get a good look at this guy who made you stop crying, and did a double take when you saw his face clearly.

Deep, piercing blue eyes.

Luscious, blonde hair, styled to perfection despite his exercising.

Long legs that never end.

This was Luke Hemmings.

You stutter before finally being able to catch your words. "You're in 5 Seconds of Summer. You're Luke Hemmings."

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