Calum imagine

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Yay Calum imagine because today was a semi-okay day and I'm feeling somewhat better, plus Calum Hood is a cutie so why not??? Without further ado...

~Calum imagine~

Its saturday morning at about 10:30 and you're walking down your stairs when you hear somebody walking around. You assumed it was your brother, Michael, so you don't think anything of it.

You pour yourself a glass of orange juice while your bread is in the toaster, and once it pops out, you smear grape jam on it then sprinkle extra sugar on top; it was one of those days.

You're balancing your cup and plate in your arms when you enter your living room, finding Calum lazily sitting on your couch.

Your cheeks turn pink and you hastily set down your breakfast so that you could pull your t-shirt down, which you were wearing on top of your underwear.

"Where's Michael?" you ask before clearing your throat, as your voice still sounded sleepy. On top of that, you were completely embarrassed that Calum just saw you in only a t-shirt, so your voice sounded extra awkward.

"Oh he went to work. He gets off 4:30 and I had nothing better to do, so yeah."

"Oh." is all you said. You check the wall clock and figure out that your Michael will get off work in just under 6 hours. Was Calum going to be here all day?

You turn around and pick your breakfast back up before shuffling around your dog's sleeping body and sit onto the couch next to Calum.

"Have you had breakfast? I could make you something, if you want... " you offer. You didn't really want to get up and make him something, but you didn't want to be impolite either.

"Yeah I got McDonald's on the way over. But thanks." Thank God.

"How long have you been in my house?" you inquire.

"Well I got here about 5 minutes before you came in."

You don't reply, but instead reach for the remote that's on the side table, causing your t-shirt to come up and reveal a small section of your lace underwear. You quickly pull the shirt back down once you notice what's been uncovered, hoping Calum didn't see it.

But he did. Thankfully he didn't say anything about it, just smirked a bit.

You flick through the channels until you find a movie, 21 Jump Street, and you keep that on. It's just barely started, so you and Calum watched the rest of it, laughing frequently, even at some dumb parts because the silence is too awkward.

By the time the credits start to roll, Calum is laying with his back against your right side, your left side leaning on the arm of the couch.

"So." He says.

"So." you repeat back.

"Let's go somewhere!"

"Where?" Calum kind of caught you off guard with his spontaneous suggestion, so instead of declining you asked where. Great, you thought.

It's not that you didn't like Calum, he was like a brother to you as he was over at your house all the time. You just weren't a very outgoing person. Also, you were pretty sure Michael wouldn't really like it; he was a very protective older brother. He's not even that much older than you -just 1 year- but he acts like it's 5 times that.

"Ummm, how about lunch. I'm starving!" he answers your question.

"Okay, I'll go get some actual clothes on, I guess." You carefully make your way to your room, cautious in making sure your shirt doesn't come up.

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