Michael imagine

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YAY today was actually a good day wow so I'm writing a Mikey imagine bc (a.) I feel happy, (b.) today just feels like a Mikey day, and (c.) who can deny that Michael is adorable??? So yeah let's get started.

~Michael imagine~

"Mike! Stop!" you squeal as your best friend's fingers squeeze and dance over your sensitive sides.

"Ticklish, eh?" he teases and continues to tickle you.

Your eyes go wide as a sudden realization hits you and you plead for Michael to stop.

"Please, please, stop right now and I'll let you pick the next movie!" you beg.

"No way, I'll be picking the movie either way!" he shoots back.

"No please, I'm going to pee oh my gosh do you want me to piss on you??" you yell.

Michael throws his head back and roars with laughter, so you take his moment of distraction to bolt down the hall to the bathroom, where you quickly unzip and do your business, not even bothering to lock the door, let alone close it. Michael has been your friend since you both were babies, you felt comfortable enough with him to do this.

Once your hands were washed, you make your way back into the living room, a scowl plastered on your still red face. You cross your arms over your chest and tap your toe.

"What? That was hilarious, [Y/N]. I mean you were about to fucking piss your pants!" Immediately after the words left his mouth, he erupted into a fit of giggles, which made you smile and laugh as well.

Nobody, nobody, can resist Michael Clifford's laugh. Nobody.

You slump onto the couch next to Michael and steal the remote from his grasp, earning pouty lips from him.

"Hey, that was a pretty traumatic experience, I deserve to control the TV." You raise your arms in surrender, the remote still in your hand.

Michael rolls his eyes but lets you keep it.

"Besides, this is my house." you remind him.

"Yeah, yeah, that's always your argument." he smirks at you and shifts his body so that his legs are resting over your lap, and his body is stretched out, his arms crossed behind his head.

This is a normal position for you two, so you let him stay.

"Oooh, How I Met Your Mother is on!!" you exclaim.

"No, [Y/N], I wanna watch a movieeeeee!" Michael whines.

"Shhh keep it down, Mike."

"THIS IS MY ONLY VOLUME" he hollers.

"Well then where is the damn power button??"

"Do you really wanna find out?" A smirk plays on Michael's lips, and he winks at you before cracking up.

You grab a pillow from your left side and not so gently toss it at Michael. "Oh shut up!"

"Come on, [Y/N]. All the ladies love me, and would kill to find my power button." A cheeky smirk is still stuck on his face.

You can't help but laugh at him, he's so adorable as funny.

"Well, Mr. Ladies' Man, if you wanna watch a movie so bad, go pick one out. And be quick, I'm feeling impatient today." you joke.

Michael lifts his legs up from your lap and swings them over so they are dangling over the edge. He goes to where he knows the movies are -on the shelf to the right of the TV- and slides one out.

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