dinner date

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~dinner date~


"Would you, [Y/N], do me the honor of going to dinner tonight?"

You laugh at your boyfriend, Michael's, silly way of asking you to go on a date, even though he knew full well you would say yes.

"Hmmmm I don't know. What kind of dinner would it be?"

Michael rolls his eyes at you before answering. "Pizza! Duh, [Y/N]."

"Well then, I would love to accompany you on such a fine date!" you fake a posh accent.

Michael smiles and hold out his hand for you to shake. "So it's a date?"

You take his hand and move it up and down. "It's a date."

Michael stop shaking his arm and pulled you into a hug, making you giggle.

"This whole situation is cheesy.." Michael says into your hair.

"How so?" You ask, even though you couldn't agree more.

"We're eating pizza! You get it? Cheesy?" Michael belts out a loud laugh and doubles over at his 'cheesy' joke.

"Ha ha, very punny. When is this high class pizza date anyway??"

"We'll leave around 6, and I'll drive."

"Are you sure, Mikey?"

"Yeah of course, [Y/N], if we go anytime past like 6:30 it'll be packed."

You roll your eyes. "No Mike, I was talking about driving." You laugh a bit thinking of the last time he drove to one of your dates.

"Oh come on, you run over a trash can one time and nobody forgets!"

He chuckles along with you, knowing you're just giving him a hard time.


"Hurry up, you're going so slowwww!" you whine.

"It's a school zone!"

"You know, you only have to go slow in school zones when school is actually in session? It's July." You double over laughing at him as his cheeks turn red, and he speeds up, running a hand through his blonde hair. {Yes that's right I'm bringing Blonde Michael back for this pref}

"Turn right here" you supply to Michael.

"Left or right?"


He pulls into the car lot and parks the car next to a big tree that casts shade over your car, promising cool seats when you return.

Once you're seated and have ordered your drinks, Michael starts telling an animated story about how Calum and Luke, better know as Cake, planned a prank on him the other day in the studio. You listen attentively and laugh loudly when he says they locked him outside the studio without pants.

"I don't see why you're mad, that's hilarious! Plus, I know for a fact that the fans ate that up. You know how they are about y'all's legs." You wink at him and he smirks.

"Who wouldn't love our legs?"

The pizza arrives at your table and Michael piles 4 slices, equivalent to half the pizza, onto his plate.

You take 2 and finish them quickly while Michael starts on his 5th.

You're feeling room in your tummy for another piece, so you go to grab the last slice, when Michael shouts, "Hey!"


"I was gonna eat that!"

"Mikey, you've had 5 pieces, I've had 2."

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