at the doctors

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~you go to the doctor yuck~


"No! I don't want to go!" you yell.

Calum rolls his eyes for what is most likely the 100th time today. "I don't care, [Y/N]. You need your vaccinations, I don't want you to get sick!"

You plant your feet on the pavement and stubbornly cross your arms.

"I didn't want it to come to this, but alright..." he trails off.

Confusion flashes for an instant before Calum grabs your waist and easily chucks you over his shoulder.

"Calum!!" You pound your fists on his back and flail your legs around, but Calum continues to bee line to the car, tossing you in the passenger side once he reached the door.

You glare at him with hooded {pun} eyes as you buckled the seatbelt.

The whole 25 minute long drive to the doctors office consisted of you giving the cold shoulder to Calum and him trying to calm you down.

"It's just a shot, you'll be fine!"

"No! I won't! I can do shots of tequila or any other liquor, but I can not do needle shots!"

Calum had to basically drag you through the door and into the waiting room, where you sat with a despising look on your face, staring at the children who pass you with an expression of hatred.

"[Y/N], I think you scared that little girl," Calum whispered.

Your name was called by a short nurse and you and Calum waited in a blue wallpapered room.

By the time the shot was fully injected, you had tears all down your face, Calum's hand was numb from you squeezing it, and 3 different nurses were chatting quietly about your 'difficulty' with receiving the vaccine.


"Luke, that looks broken."

"No, [Y/N], it's fine. See?" Luke stood up and attempted to take a step with the injured foot, but immediately crumpled to the ground, wincing and holding his foot protectively.

"Okay, so maybe it's sprained?" Luke tried.

"Whatever, we're taking you to the doctor," you sternly say.

"No! I'll just rest it off. I'll be fine, don't worry, [Y/N]!" Luke

"Nope, were going whether you like it or not! Michael, Calum, Ashton, will you kindly carry Lukey here to the car?" you ask.

The boys pick up their bandmate and laugh at him as they dangerously swing him back and forth.

"Careful! He's precious cargo!" you yell at the boys.

In the car, Luke had his legs across yours and Calum's laps as Ashton drove.

You soothingly rubbed his thigh with one hand and played with his hair with the other hand. "It's okay, Luke."

His face was screwed up in pain and he was groaning. "But [Y/N] it huuuurts!

"I know, baby, I know."

One cast and a green lollipop later, Luke was ready to go home.

"It wasn't that bad!" you say.

"It was bad. They poked and prodded my foot too much." His face seemed to pale at the memory and he shivered.

"Yeah, yeah." You wave his complaints off. You reach up and pinch his cheek. "My Lukey is so brave!"

"Oh jeez, stop with the mushy stuff!" Michael yelled.


You sat in one of the uncomfortable wooden chairs in the waiting room incessantly shaking your legs while Michael held your hand tightly.

"It's okay, [Y/N]. The doctor will just do some tests, it'll take 30 minutes at most," Michael reassured.

You ignored him and stared ahead at the wall, that was painted a sickly green color. It didn't help the fact that you thought you were going to throw up from so much anxiety.

"[Y/N] [Y/L/N]?" a nurse called, snapping you out of your reverie.

Michael pulled you up and walked you to the door.

"Sir, I'm afraid that you can't come beyond this point unless you are immediate family."

Your eyes widen and you latched onto Michael even harder.

"Nope. I'm not going in there without him." You plant your feet firmly on the ground to show you mean business.

The nurse just sighed and rolled her eyes before motioning for the two of you to follow.

The examination room was the same puke color as the waiting room. Michael stayed glued by your side as the nurse performed different tests, only removing his hand from yours when the nurse required him to in order to check you out.

After leaving, you finally felt as if you could breathe.

"I. Hate. Doctors."

Michael chuckled. "Yes, [Y/N], I know."


You were trying to finish up some work when Ashton came in, red nosed with a handful of crumpled tissues.

"Are you sick?" you ask.

"Thank you, Captain Obvious." Ashton's voice is so nasally that you couldn't help but laugh at him.

He scowled and crossed his arms. "What? I can't help the way my voice sounds!"

"We need to get you to a doctor, get some antibiotics or something."

You picked up your keys and made Ashton follow you to the car.

He protested the whole way there, but you won in the end when he was sitting on a paper covered bed with a thermometer in his cheek.

The doctor diagnosed Ashton with a simple cold and gave you a prescription.

Once the medication was picked up, you took Ash out for ice cream.

"It wasn't that bad, babe." You and Ashton were splitting a rocky road.

"She hit my knees with a small hammer!" he screeched.

"Oh whatever, drama queen. It was more of a tap." At that, Ashton rolled his eyes, insisting that was worse than it looked.


Okay so I was trying to calm down from a panic attack when I wrote these, so hopefully they're good. I edited afterwards because there were loads of typos, lol!

Thank you so much for 2.9k it's so crazy that I'm less than 100 reads from 3k!

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