Ashton imagine

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I'm sick ugh, but I haven't thrown up in a while (sorry tmi) so I'm gonna write an Ashton imagine, and then I'll write Luke's later. So yeah here we go.

~Ashton imagine~

"Babe, you ready yet?" you hear your boyfriend call from the living room.

"Ash, you asked me the same question two minutes ago. I still need about 10 minutes." You laugh at Ashton's impatience, although you have been getting ready for longer than necessary time, even though you're just going to the beach with him.

Finally you're finished and ready to go, so you notify Ashton and meet him at the door. You're carrying a beach bag containing your clothes and his as well, along with another bag overflowing with food. Ashton is tugging a cooler filled with drinks that are floating in a mixture of water and ice, thanks to the wait you caused with your lengthy preparation time. But who can blame you?

You lock the door once you're outside while Ashton starts to load the car, putting the bags you're holding into the trunk, and opening the passenger door for you before running to the other side of the car to get in himself.

The drive wasn't long, only about 10 minutes, and you and Ash talked about nonsense the whole time, holding hands over the console in between y'all.

When you arrived, the beach wasn't too packed, and you easily found a spot near the water. You lay out your towel before stripping off your shorts and tank top, leaving you in a royal blue strapless bikini. Your hair is pulled into a bun on top of your head, and you look over to Ashton to find that he's only got his swim trunks on now.

You silently admire his body, how his huge hands rub in the sunscreen you brought onto his broad shoulders, how his eyes squint in the bright sunlight.

"[Y/N], can you get my back?" he asks, making you stop staring.

You nod and grab the bottle from him before you squeeze out a small amount and lather it on him.

"Wanna get in the water?" you ask after you finish applying sunscreen on yourself.

He giggles and picks you up bridal style. You squeal and kick your legs, throwing your head back in laughter. Ashton just kisses your forehead as he rushes into the waves full on.

The cold water hits your stomach and makes your tummy contract. Ashton looks at you one more time with an amused expression before completely plunging underwater.

You escape from his clutches and swim to the surface, taking a huge gulp of air. A few seconds later, Ash resurfaces as well. Y'all swim around for a while, and you jump on Ashton's back, resting your head on his shoulder as your hands are slung around his body.

He laughs softly and carries you back to shore, where you make lunch for you both. As your eating the sandwiches, you play I Spy with Ashton.

"I spy something.... blue!" he exclaims.

"The sea?"


"The sky?"


"Hmmmm... My swimsuit?"

"BINGO! And I haven't told you yet, but I must say that that bikini looks great on you, babe," he compliments with a wink.

You blush and thank him, looking down at your body, doubtful.

Ash grabs your hand and squeezes it reassuringly.

"Wanna get back in?" he asks.

You nod, and walk hand in hand with him to wear the water meets the sand with heavy waves.

You both walk side by side until the water is up to your bellybutton, but only reaching Ashton's hips. He swings you around to face him.

"I'm so glad we came, especially because the weather is so beautiful" he comments.

You agree and start to float on your back, Ashton doing the same to your right.

After a few minutes you stand up and gesture to the shore with your eyebrows raised, and Ash nods.

Ashton sort of swims back, but you walk. You watch him as he pushes himself through the water with his strong drummer arms, smiling at the sight of him enjoying himself so much.

About 10 feet from the sand, you step on something, something sharp. You wince and gasp in pain, and Ashton stands up immediately.

"You okay?"

"Yeah I think so. I just stepped on something, I sure it's fine." You half smile and finish the small journey to your little spot, cringing as your right foot stings every time you put pressure onto it. By the time you arrive at your towel, you're limping.

You sit down on your towel an bring your foot onto your lap, inspecting the bottom. Sure enough, a deep gash has punctured the smooth skin, and blood is steadily seeping out.

You bite your lip and look away; the sight is horrifying. Instead of returning your gaze to the cut, you look up at Ashton, who also has an uncomfortable look on his face as he looks at your foot.

"You're gonna need to go to the hospital." he states.

"No, no, no, no, no! I'm sure it's fine!" you try to sound sure but it's not too convincing.

"No, [Y/N], you might need stitches. I'm taking you to the hospital."

You sigh and finally give in.

Ashton bends down and wraps his towel around your foot, then hands you your clothes. "Put those on, I'm gonna put the bags and cooler the car, then I'll come back and get you." He says, then he's gone, lugging everything with him.

You wait for Ashton to come back, and soon enough he does. He lifts you up and carries you to the car, despite your protests.

Once your in your seat and buckled up -compliments of Ashton- and he's starting the car, you say "You know, I could've walked here. And buckled my own seatbelt." You laugh.

"I know." he smiles.

The drive to the hospital is about 5 minutes, and when you get there Ashton carries you once again to the doors.

After talking to the receptionist and a few nurses, you're in a room with curtains for walls, laying on a bed with metal bars on either side.

You smile apologetically at Ashton. "Sorry for ruining our little date."

"Babe, no, it's okay. It's not your fault. I just want you to be okay."

You squeeze his hand and grin as a doctor comes in.

It's soon determined that you'll need 6 stitches, and you groan. The whole time the nurse is doing your stitches, you hold Ashton's hand for support.

Once they're done, you free too go after you get instructions to come back in a few weeks.

You limp out of the hospital and only make it half way before Ashton picks you up again.

You glare playfully at him and he says "Sorry I just can't see you in pain!"

You giggle as he puts you into your seat, buckling your seatbelt once again.

Ashton takes you home, where he takes care of you all day, even when you tell him it's not necessary. What a sweetie Ashton is!

So maybe the day didn't go as expected, but you cant deny it wasn't fun, even if you have stitches in the bottom of your foot now.


Yay Ash is a cutie

Okay hope you enjoyed ilysm!!!

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