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This gonna be fun because I'm in like all the fandoms

~you fangirl~


||Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows SPOILER||

You grab yet another tissue and loudly blow your nose, adding it to a heaping pile when you were done.

Were you sick? Not quite.

What's really going on is that Fred Weasley, Nymphadora Tonks, and Remus Lupin just died in the Battle of Hogwarts.

"Why, Rowling, why!!!" you yell just as Michael walks into the dim living room.

He immediately bombards you with questions. "Why is it so dark in here? What are you doing? Are you crying?"

You pause the movie and turn to him, rolling your eyes and probably looking ridiculous since you were crying. "I put blankets over the window because I'm watching a movie, and I'm crying 'cause a lot of people just died, okay?"

He sits down next to you and starts rubbing circles onto your back. "Press play!"

You unpause it and hand him a couple of new tissues, even though he insisted he wasn't going to cry.


||tfios SPOILER||

"No, no, no, no, no, NO!" You ferociously flip the page and and read as fast as you can, the amount of tears streaming down your cheeks exponentially growing as you keep going.

"No, Gus, no!!!" You slam the book shut, even though you're not even done, and run to the bathroom to grab some toilet paper.

"Calum, get out of the bathroom, I need tissues to stop the tsunami {tsunami tides in my eyes; Ed Sheeran anyone?} originating from my eyeballs and my broken heart!" you yell.

After a moment, the door opens and he's looking at you curiously, a towel hanging from his hips.

You push past him and pull a bunch of tissue from the roll. "This'll do."

"[Y/N], you've got like 20 feet, you can't possibly need that much! And why are you crying?" he asks.


"Who's Augustus Waters?"

Instead of answering him, you drag your long ass strip of toilet paper back to your room.


"Oh my gosh!" you yell, putting your hand to your heart and closing your eyes.

Ashton skeptically raises an eyebrow in your direction without looking up from his phone. "You okay?"

"If your definition of okay is feeling like my heart is being ripped out by a squirrel, then yeah, I'm totally okay!" You return to scrolling through tumblr endlessly.

Now Ashton looks up at you, and all you can see on his face is absolute confusion.

You sigh and look up at him, too. "As you know, I got tickets for the 1975 in August and at the moment I'm looking as Matty shirtless and ITS GIVING ME CHEST PAINS, ASHTON! Like, I'm wishing upon my luckiest stars that he decides to show up sans shirt in August, oh dear Lord."

Ashton is still left utterly confused, but also a bit jealous and pouty. "Aw, but you can see me shirtless any time!"

You set your laptop aside and pad over to him. "Yes, baby, and I love it."

You kiss him on both cheeks before finally going to his lips. You were going for a quick peck, but Ashton had other things in mind.

"Ash, I wanna go back to tumblr!" you whine.

"Okay fine, but you owe me a make out!" he says seriously. {man I wish I could owe him that}


You squeal in an oddly girlish way and jump up and down while you're waiting in line for coffee.

"What was that for?" Luke asks, noticing your little fangirl moment.

You point to a table in the corner, where Harry Styles and Zayn Malik sat sipping lattes with their hoods up.

"Oh, let's go talk to them!" Luke suggests.

He starts making his way over to the dark corner, but you grab his forearm before he can go very far. "Luke, we can't just go up to them!"

"[Y/N] I think you're forgetting the small fact that I've toured with them, twice, might I add."

You sigh but follow him over to the boys.

"Luke, mate!" Zayn says.

They do some kind of bro hug thing before Luke pulls up a chair and tugs you onto his lap.

"This is [Y/N], my girlfriend." You wave to them and blush.

Luke leans into the table and whispers, "She's kind of a fan. Freaked out when she saw y'all."

This only makes your face even redder, but your grin is a lot bigger, too. You would never have been able to guess that you'd be having coffee with Harry and Zayn, but there's a first for everything.


Why can't I be dating 5sos

Thanks for 5k!!

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