you feel insecure

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~you feel insecure~


"Cal, I don't think I should go to the party tonight.." You mumble.

Calum pokes his head out of the bathroom doorway and raises his eyebrow. "But babe, you were so excited half an hour ago. What changed your mind?" His face is mixed between concern and puzzlement.

"Well, I'm hungry and I haven't eaten, I don't have any clean bras, you know." You shrug nonchalantly after you finish listing off pointless things, none of which hold the truth about why you didn't want to go.

Cal's eyelids droop in a 'are you serious' way before he rolls his eyes at you. "I know you better than that, [Y/N]. What's the real reason you don't want to go?"

You sigh before explaining as casually as you can, trying not to show the tears nipping at the back of your eyes. "Well, what I was planning on wearing just didn't work anymore, too tight in the wrong places.. But it's whatever."

You'd gained a bit of weight after your close aunt passed away, and you felt really insecure. Even though it was only like 5 pounds, you felt that it was more in your mind.

"[Y/N], you're so perfect. You could wear anything and look stunning. I know you don't feel the same, but it's because you see flaws nobody else can. I love you so much, [Y/N]. Besides, whatever you wear couldn't make you look any worse than I do. I'm a dork." Cal says with a smirk.

You pad across the cold tile on your bare feet towards the bathroom, where you stand on your tiptoes so you could reach his mouth with yours.

The moment you connected with Calum, not one bit of your anxiety mattered anymore. It melted away before you, and it was amazing that only Calum could do that.

After 20 seconds of the passionate kiss, you broke away and nestled into his body, loving the protected and safe feeling you got when he held you in the crooks of his body.

His arms traveled from your hair to your shoulders, to your back, then finally waist, where he began rubbing his hands in small circles while whispering 'I love you' repeatedly in your ear.

A comforting 10 minutes passed in this position, and you felt more confident than you ever had. You slip into the tight black dress that was unflattering less than an hour ago, but now felt perfectly tailored.

After applying making up and tugging on your heals - Calum will have to carry you home, these shoes gave you blisters - you were ready to go.

You were taking one last look in the mirror, and the doubts were starting to resurface. Warm arms wrapped around you from behind and Calums head appeared on your shoulder in the reflection.

"You look so beautiful." While kissing your neck sweetly.

And the insecurities and feelings of self consciousness didn't make a reappearance all night, not with Calum by your side.


You scroll through the selfies you and your boyfriend, Ashton, took and groaned when you reached the end without finding one you thought you looked acceptable in.

You wanted to post a picture of you and him at the carnival, but if you couldn't find one you liked then you guessed you wouldn't.

You started to re-scroll through the pictures, lowering your standards a bit for how you look.

You were mid-groan when Ash walked in.

"What's wrong [Y/N]? Too much carnival food?" He asked.

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