embarrassing (BSM)

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(BSM stands for brother-sister moment)

Dedicated for @fivesauceyus for voting (:

~he's your brother and embarrasses you~


The boys were huddled around Calum, watching his phone screen intently as Calum scrolled past photo after photo.

"What are y'all looking at?" you asked curiously as you came up behind them with a glass of tea in your hand.

You stood on your tippy toes while you took a sip, craning your neck so that you could see what they were looking at. Once you got a glimpse at the pictures, you choked on your tea and started coughing violently.

"Oh, my God, Calum! You're showing them my baby pictures! I'm naked in that one!" you yell. It was true; there was a picture of you in the tub with suds on your head and rubber duckies in your hand.

"Chill, you were, like, 2," Calum laughs.

The boys turn to you and wiggle their eyebrows up and down while smirking.

You rolled your eyes and shoved Calum's shoulder before you stalked off, shaking your head.


"And one time, when she was 6, she stuck her hand in the potpourris, pulled out a handful and tried to eat it!" The room bursts with laughter as Ashton told his bandmates stories about you when you were younger.

You held your blushing face and your hands, trying not to look as mortified as you really were.

"Ash, please, nobody wants to hear these stories," you say in hopes that he'll stop the flow of embarrassing tales.

"No, I think I wanna hear them," Luke says.

Calum and Michael agree and attentively look at Ashton to tell more stories.

You put your face in your hands once more when Ashton launches into a story about how you peed your pants at the zoo because you wanted to go to the bathroom in the grass like the animals did, instead of in the toilets.


"Here's [Y/N]'s haircut she gave herself when he was 3." Michael pointed to a picture of you with jagged an uneven locks, smiling at the camera with your eyes crossed.

You were shooting daggers with your eyes at your brother, Michael, because he was sitting in front of you with a mischievous grin, showing your new boy/girlfriend embarrassing pictures of you.

"Here's one of the time she got into mom's makeup," Michael said excitedly.

Your boy/girlfriend was laughing and waiting eagerly to be shown more pictures.

Finally, you picked up the photo album from Michael lap and snapped it shut.

"I think it's time to come back from Memory Lane," you said.

You slid the photo album back into it's home next to Michael's, which you pulled out, waving it in front of your brother's face.

"No more embarrassing things about me or I'll show this beauty to the next girl you bring around, Mike." You flipped to a picture of 2 year old Michael naked, holding his diaper above his head with a defiant look on his face.

Michael sneered at you and left the room, allowing you to finally be on your way to your date.


"[Y/N], remember that time you wore your pajamas under your clothes in kindergarten, saying you were some superhero?" Luke asked not so innocently.

You kicked his shin from across the table. You and the rest of 5sos were eating dinner at a diner, and Luke knew you have a crush on Michael -who doesn't, though?

Leave it up to Luke to tell embarrassing stories in front of attractive boys. Gotta love brothers. {brothers will actually do this ok it's sucks}

"Ow, [Y/N], that's no way to treat an older brother!" Luke said, mocking offense.

You rolled your eyes and kept eating, trying to hide your blushing cheeks from Michael's view.

"Oh, come on, [Y/N], the stories are cute!" Michael said.

This made the redness in your cheeks deepen and the butterflies in your gut to flutter rapidly.

"See, Michael thinks they're cute, and I know how you feel about Michael," Luke mumbled.

You shot another quick kick at Luke's leg when you saw Michael's inquisitive look.


Over 850+ reads? oh my gosh, I'm gonna pass out! Thanks so much!

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