he finds something of yours

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~he finds something of yours that you didn't want him to find~


You were shuffling around the kitchen trying to make a snack for Luke, who was sick as a dog.

After arranging the apple slices into a circle with a bowl of peanut butter in the middle, you take the large plate to your room where Luke is sleeping- or at least he's supposed to be. When you open the door, Luke isn't sprawled on the bed like he was when you went to the kitchen.

"Luke?" you call. You set the plate down and peek your head into your bathroom.

A red-nosed Luke is cross cross on the tile floor with white and yellow packets surrounding him. A wrapper was crumpled up on his knee and in his hand was...

"My tampons!" you yell. Your cheeks are ruby red as you watch Luke give you an innocent look.

Understanding cross his face and he carefully sets the tampon next to the toilet, scooting away from it like it had just grown fangs.

You laugh and start to pick up the mess.

"Sorry, [Y/N]. I was looking for medicine and found these so I just wondered what they were. Do these things really.... you know, go in you?" he asks with a nasally voice.

"Yes Luke."

He looks up at you, horrified. "Oh my God, [Y/N] and it just sits there for, like, hours?"

"Yes. It sucks. I know."

You pull him up and help him get into bed, giving him the apples as he watched you with a shocked expression.


When you got home from work, Michael was presumably in the bathroom so you set down your stuff and collapsed onto the couch, exhausted.

"[Y/N], can come here please?" Michael yells just as you were close to drifting off.

You groan and slowly sit up. "Coming," you half-heartedly holler.

You trudge your way to the restroom to find Michael sitting on the closed toilet seat with one hand in his hair.

"What's wrong? You know, it's easier to use the toilet when the lid is up."

Michael didn't even laugh at your hilarious joke, which worried you.

"Mikey baby what's wrong?" you ask him again.

He looks up at you with a half smile and says, "You already know," confusing you even further.

He hold up a white stick and you instantly recognize it; you don't urinate {ha} on a lot of white sticks.

"You found my pregnancy test," you whisper.

The little plus sign was right in front of you, mocking you.

Michael surprises you by bringing you into an embrace; you were expecting him to be angry.

"We're having a baby, we're having a baby," he says over and over again, clutching the tell-tale test.

"Mikey, you know I had to piss on that, right?"

The stick drops to the floor and he turns around to the sink, rapidly scrubbing.


Saturday equals lazy day in yours and Ashton's apartment, so you were just laying on the couch with a blanket draped over your body.

Your iPod just ran out of battery, therefore you slung your now useless headphones onto the coffee table.

Not ready to get up just yet, you continued to just hang around. It was lazy day, after all.

You were getting ready to get lemonade when you heard a familiar giggle resonating from the bedroom.

Curious, you threw the blanket off of you and tip-toed until you were standing in the doorway, watching Ashton try to contain his laughter while reading a book.

Getting closer, you recognized the book he was reading.

"Ashton that's my journal!" You snatched up the composition notebook that had doodles all over the covers and the pages in between them held all your feelings.

"I'm sorry, it was so tempting! I wanted to use those fuzzy socks you have and I found the book in your underwear drawer. I also found some really cute thongs that I haven't seen to wearing, and you really should."

Your jaw dropped to the floor and you involuntarily turned red faced. "Ashton, you can't just go through my underwear and read private books!"

"But the things you wrote about me were so cute, [Y/N]." He grabbed the notebook back from you and leafed through the pages then pointed at a line, reading it out loud. "A laugh that could produce rainbows and resurrect cute little bunnies."

Your already red cheeks just heated up more and once again you stole the journal back.

"Awww, is [Y/N] embarrassed?" Ashton cooed. He pinched your cheeks and pouted when you swatted his thief hands away.

You couldn't resist the pout, and eventually gave in, kissing him on the cheek.


Your boyfriend, Calum, waltzes into the kitchen with his hands behind his back and a goofy smile on his lips.

"Hello, [Y/N]," he says in a sing-song voice.

"Hey, Calum... What's behind your back?" you ask.

His giddy grin grows {what a mouthful} and he reveals a piece of paper.

You crane your neck to see what's written on it and you see that there's no writing, but it's a picture. You can't tell what it is, though.

Raising your eyebrow, you slowly take the picture from Calum's hands and look it. Your eyes instantly bulge when they catch a glimpse of what the picture is of.

It's an unholy camping photo from years ago that you'd thought you had stashed away fairly well. "Ewwww this picture is bad! How the hell did you find it?" you groan.

Instead of answering, Calum just laughs.

The picture was horrid; you'd still had braces, you weren't wearing makeup and you hadn't washed your hair in like three days. Plus you'd just woken up. Every time you saw this picture, you were reminded of the downside of having parents who like to document everything.

Calum takes the picture back and holds it way above your head. You jump up with your arms flailing around, trying to reach the printed embarrassment.

"Babe, it's fine. In fact, it's my new favorite picture."

You groan yet again and give up on trying to take the picture.

Calum kisses the tip of your nose and plays with the end of your braid, running the hair along your collarbone like a paintbrush.

"I like your face, even your face when you've been in the woods for a few days," Calum whispers.


Sorry this took a while, but Im still on vacations!

Yay!! 2.1k!! I love y'all!

Too many exclamations, lol.

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