Michael for @littleteafox

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Dedicated to @littleteafox (Gionna) for requesting and being so sweet!!

~Michael imagine~

"Gionna, is it ok if I bring my friend, Michael, to your apartment tonight? He asked if we could hang out, and I just couldn't say no!" your best friend said over the phone.

"Um, yeah sure, I guess. What's he like?" you ask.

"He always dies his hair, he plays guitar in a rockin' band, and he loves music. He loves Nirvana, just like you! Also, he's really into gaming, and I know you love to play that war game."

"Call of Duty?" you offer.

"That's the one! He's great, I'm sure it'll be fun. See you tonight!" And with that, the line went dead.

You set down your phone and replaced it with an xbox controller, resuming your game.

You were trying to focus on taking out your opponent, but your mind kept drifting to [Y/F/N]'s friend. Would he like you? Would he be mean?

Unable to concentrate, you lost the game and the word "Defeat" shows up on your screen.

You sigh and heave up into a standing position, pulling your curly brown hair into a bun.

You decided that you needed to figure out what to wear, because [Y/F/N] and Michael would be over at your place soon. Sifting through the clothes hung up in your closet, you weren't overwhelmed by the choices. You made a mental note to do laundry when your friends left.

You finally settled on an Arctic Monkeys t-shirt you got at a concert. It had been worn the day before yesterday, but it smelt okay and what people don't know can't kill them.

Once you looked pretty decent, you tidied up a bit, fixing the pillows on the couch and putting the dishes in the sink.

Your phone buzzes, indicating a text from your friend saying she and Michael were 10 minutes away from your apartment, so you play a couple rounds of nazi zombie {am I saying that right?} to pass the time.

Your friend walks into your apartment -it's basically her second home- just as the game started getting intense.

"Is that Call of Duty?" you hear a manly voice ask. You pause the game and turn to see a tall, lanky boy with bright green hair staring at your screen with interested eyes.

"I assume your Michael?" you say.

He nods quickly and throws himself down on your couch still looking at the television, presumably waiting for you to start the game again.

You un-pause and shyly continue killing zombies like you got paid for it.

You were kind of hesitant at first to play your video game while Michael was watching so intently, but eventually you eased up.

After an hour or two, [Y/F/N] was on the floor painting her toenails and you and Michael, who you call Mike now, were double teaming it against the digital zombies. You were so comfortable with him that it was like you'd known him for years rather than hours.

You all finally got hungry, and a mutual agreement was made that pizza should be ordered.

Between the three of you, both the large pizzas were devoured.

"It's late, we should probably get going," [Y/F/N] said while you all sat back at the kitchen table, both contently and regrettably looking at the empty pizza boxes.

You sighed as you pulled yourself up and put the pizza boxes next to the trash bin since they were too big to actually go in.

"Thanks for having me, Gionna, I had a lot of fun." Michael smiled and hugged you, and you felt his hands slip a piece of paper into your hand as you pulled away. You nodded and grinned at him, assuming it was his number, and he winked at you before leaving.


I tried to include as many things as you told me so I hope I did ok and I also hope you like it, Gionna!

Oh heck I have 660+ reads how did that happen but thanks!!

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