Michael for @photoframed

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Dedicated to @photoframe (Zoe) because she is literally perfect and so amazing ok

~Michael imagine~

You were hurriedly lugging your bags to the gate, and when you get there you see that the majority of the coach passengers have already boarded.

"Great, now I'll probably have to sit next to some creep. I just had to be late," you mumble.

A boy with green hair stifles a laugh to the left of you. You advert your eyes and blush, assuming he heard what you had thought only you would hear.

You were the last coach passenger to get on plane, and a flight attendant stopped you once you had.

"Ma'am, I'm sorry, but there are no more seats in coach, I guess we overbooked," the lady said. You started panicking, hoping you'd still be able to get to your destination.

"But don't worry," she added, "there's a seat in first class you can take." She winked at you and motioned for you to follow her through some curtains.

You're led to a seat next to the window, and the seat next to yours is occupied by the same green haired guy from earlier.

You struggled to put your bags in the overhead compartment, so the boy stands up and easily pulls your luggage up.

You notice how tall he is, and that he has earrings. Also that he's super attractive.

"Thanks," you say as he lets you shuffle to your seat first.

Once the boy is seated and buckled, he pulls out a game boy and continues a game.

"What's your name?" you ask.

"Michael," he says shortly.

"I'm Zoe," you reply.

When Michael says nothing else, you slip your earbuds in and turn your iPod on.

About two hours later, you were drifting to sleep when the plane started shaking and bouncing. You pulled out your earbuds and looked around the plane frantically.

"We're experiencing minor turbulence, so please return to your seats fasten your seat belts," the voice over the intercom said.

You hadn't taken your seat belt off, but you tightened it just to be sure.

You were extremely nervous about planes, and the turbulence doesn't help. You try to calm your rapid breathing and steady your shaking hands.

"Are you okay, Zoe?" Michael asked. He was looking at you with wide eyes. You were surprised he remembered your name.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine."

"You don't look fine. Is the turbulence making you nervous?" he asked.

The plane shook violently again, and you nearly jumped out of your seat. You nodded your head curtly in reply to Michael's question.

He hesitantly took your hand with his own and told you to squeeze it when you got nervous.

Then he started asking you random questions to help you get your mind off the current situation.

"What's your favorite color?"

"What do you study in school?"

"How big is your family?"

You answered all his questions and it actually helped, and you were still talking and holding hands even after the turbulence had stopped.

You both noticed that your hand were still intertwined, but neither of you made a move to unclasp your hands.

Once the plane landed, you exchanged numbers.

"It was great meeting you, Zoe."

"Yeah you, too, Michael."

You gave him a hug and pulled your luggage off to find a cab.


I hope you liked it zoe!!

Thanks for 900+ reads this is so amazing!!

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