Ashton for @fivesauceyus

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Dedicated to @fivesauceyus (Lily) because it's her imagine (duh) and she was the first request!!


~Ashton imagine~

A/N: your brother is Michael

A pair of hands came from behind you to cover your eyes. A flourish of panic spread from your stomach to the rest of your body, even though you were 99% sure you knew who it was.

"Ashton?" you call out.

You hear the tell-tale giggle not long after you said his name, giving away his identity.

"Ash, you douche! You scared me!" Even though your words were borderline harsh, there was a smile present on your face and you are laughing, so Ashton knew you were only joking about being mad.

"How'd you know it was me, Lily?"

"Your laugh, duh!" you say before cracking up.

His hands unveiled your eyes then made their way to your waist, hugging you and rocking your body back and forth on your heels.

"Ash, be careful, Michael is here, and you know how mad he'll get if he sees you all up on me," you laugh to kind of lighten the mood, but you were serious about being careful. The last thing you needed was for Michael to find about about you and Ashton's secret relationship.

It had been going on for about 2 weeks, and the only people who knew were you and Ashton (obviously) and Calum.

You led Ashton up the stairs and into your room so you had privacy. You closed and locked the door behind you in case Michael decided to pop by.

Ashton had already sat down on your bed and had gotten comfortable. You pad over to him and sit on his right side.

He just looked at you, smiling, for a few seconds before pulling you toward him an attaching his lips on yours.

The kiss was passionate and not too steamy. Ash liked to make you feel like a princess and didn't want to make you feel pressured, especially because he's two years older.

You gently pushed him so that he was laying on his back and you were hovering over. Your knees were on either side of his thighs, and your hands were jumbled in his curly locks.

You jumped off him as quickly as you could when the door knob was jiggled, followed by a few hard knocks.

"Lily, open up. You know you're not supposed to have your door locked," you heard Michael call, his voice ringing through the silence.

Your eyes went wide and you pulled yourself up, trying to get Ashton up as well.

"Hold on, Mike, I'm changing, just a sec!" You call, knowing you probably sound frantic.

You push Ashton into your closet and smooth your hair down before opening the door.


Michael raised his eyebrows at you, but didn't talk about your flustered state. "I was just wondering if you've seen Ashton. His car is outside, but I don't know where he is..."

You looked at the closet from the corner of your eye. "Hmmm, I don't know where he could be, I haven't seen him at all." You put on the most innocent face possible and pray you're not blushing too hard.

"Okay. Maybe he walked down to the convenient store that's one block over; he's done that a couple times to get snacks before coming over. Thanks for the help though, Lily."

Michael walks away and you close the door, sliding down the wood and letting out the breath you were holding.

You suddenly remember Ashton was in your closet, so you hurry and let him out.

"Lily you have some nice bras, so frilly! They're also kind of confusing..."

You shove Ashton's chest and shush him, but you can't help but laugh at his interest in your bras; they're just boob holders.

"You should probably go get some snacks from that convenient store."

"Ooh, are you thinking movie night?" Ashton's eyebrows wiggle, knowing that if you two had a movie night, there wouldn't be much movie watching.

"No, I mean that'd be nice, but thats what Michael thinks you're doing. Maybe you two can have one!" You pinch his cheeks and boop his nose.


Cool I hope this was okay, Lily! I'm sorry if it sucked or was too short, I'm kind of sick (we think it's strep) but if you don't like it or if it wasn't what you were looking for, I can rewrite!

Thanks for 500+ reads, wow! More than half way to 1k!

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