Luke imagine

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Yay I'm so glad I found the time to do this!

~Luke imagine~

"Why do you got so much makeup on? It makes you look really fake." Some asshole at the bar comments after your not so polite refusal of his offer to buy you a drink.

You roll your eyes and scoff, "Yeah, but wipe it all off and you'll call me ugly, so what the fuck do you want?"

This little banter attracts the attention of several others sitting near you at the bar, including the blue eyes of an extremely tall hottie.

"I just wanted to buy you something to drink, darling, that's all."

You look the man over once more: he's at least in his 40's, which is completely inappropriate considering your 21, and you know you don't look much older because your I.D. went through a thorough inspection just to get in this place.

Your glare settles on his left hand, which has an unmistakable ring on the finger reserved for marriage. You roll yours eyes yet again and say "Married man and hitting on a college student? Classy."

Your sarcastic remark earns stifled laughter from that blonde with the nice eyes that you noticed earlier was watching you and this man go back and forth. You smile at the boy and wink, only because the beer you drank 10 minutes gave you rare but always needed confidence.

You abandon that asshole all together and walk over to that boy who is still gazing your way. He's only a few barstools down, but the whole place looks different from this spot.

You sit down next to him while the man you dissed mumbles shit about you under his breath. "Hey, I'm [Y/N]." You introduce yourself with a huge grin.

"Luke. Nice to meet you." He shakes your hand with an equally enthusiastic smile as your own.

You take his hand in yours, and you're majorly relieved that his hand isn't ice cold, but it's also not sweaty and clammy. You can only pray yours feels similarly comfortable.

"This may seem really ironic, considering the fact that you just had a quarrel with that creep because he offered you a drink, but I'm gonna go for it. Can I buy you a drink?" He pushes his words out of his lips so fast and nervously, but with a weird twist of confidence, that you're surprised you caught it all and could comprehend.

You smile and widen your eyes, then laugh out loud, slamming your hand gently on the bar for dramatic effect.

When you look up, Luke's face is a priceless combination of fear and guilt, that you can't help but giggle.

"Of course you can buy me a drink." You assure him, and the color and smile return to his face.

"Thank God! I was scared for a second." he admits.

He orders a beer before gesturing for you to order, and you ask the bartender for a beer as well.

"I must ask you, why did you accept my offer but reject that guy completely?" Luke looks genuinely confused.

"Well first of all, I'm 21. You look about 21. He looks about 48." Luke lets out a low chuckle at this. "Plus, there's a ring on his finger. Also, he said nothing before offering to make me want to let him get me a drink."

"And I did?" He sounds surprised and proud of himself.

"Yes." You reply simply.

"Okay" he smiles.

You laugh at his response and soon after, the drinks arrive.

"Thanks for the beer, by the way." you mention.

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