twitter hate

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Dedicated to @thatweirdcatlady for requesting, you and your username are great!!

~you get twitter hate~


Scrolling through twitter and reading funny little blurbs of words was your favorite thing to do.

Key word: 'was'.

Ever since the 5sosfam started growing, so did the amount of hateful tweets directed to you.

"@Y/T/N is so ugly, I hate her"

"@Y/T/N shouldn't be with ash, he can do better"

"Why does @Y/T/N think Ashton actually likes her?"

These were just some everyday things you saw.

You were hesitant to click on the twitter app, but opened the app when you decided that avoiding twitter would be letting the haters win.

After trying to steer clear of hate the best you could, your curiosity eventually got the best of you and you read page after page of horrible words and lies.

"@Y/T/N go cut yourself"

That stung. You laid on your bed numbly and tried to focus on your breathing, trying not to fall back into old habits. The scars on your wrist were faded but still there, a reminder of how far you've gotten.

"Babe? What are you doing?" Ashton asked. He plopped down next to you. "You're just looking at the ceiling and it's kinda creepy." He laughs and puts his hand on your wrist.

"What did I do to deserve hate? Am I not good enough for them, or what?"

He sighed and ran his fingertips across your scars, probably remembering that this was how you acted when you were still self harming.

"No baby. You didn't do anything wrong. All you are is amazing, and that makes people jealous. The fans, they can be crazy {true}, and they probably just don't want me taken from them. But I don't want you taken from me, so please please try to stay calm and ignore. I don't want you to do anything you'll regret, [Y/N]. I love you so much, and in my eyes you're perfect. That's all that matters right now."

You looked up at him and pulled his body to you so you could embrace him, holding on tight to his shirt and breathing in the smell of him, cologne and love. {I'm cheesy af}


To say the least, the hate was getting to you. You were watching what you ate so that people wouldn't call you fat. You were wearing your best clothes so people wouldn't call you a slob. You were doing makeup so that people wouldn't call you ugly. Oh the things you do for people you don't know.

You picked up your large makeup bag and lugged it to the bathroom, unzipping it and washing your face.

"You don't need it, [Y/N]. You're beautiful without it, plus we're only going to Starbucks." Michael said from behind you, making you jump and drop your towel you were using to dry your face.

"Well there's gonna be paparazzi, plus there'll be people in the shop, and the barista. I've gotta look my best." You slathered on your primer.

"You didn't hear me, I guess. I said you're beautiful without all the makeup. There's nothing for you to hide, baby."

"Well people on twitter always say my skin is splotchy and gross without makeup on," you replied simply.

"[Y/N] they're just jealous! You're so gorgeous, and it's sad that you can't see that."

Michael encircled you in his arms from behind and took the mascara from your hands, setting it down carefully. He then put his hands around your waist.

"Look at the mirror. See that? I don't know what you see, but I see a goofball hugging his gorgeous and perfect girlfriend. You don't have to wear makeup or eat less for me to see that. You'll always be perfect and I'll always be a goofball." A silly half smile plays on his lips as you both looked at the reflection.

Slowly, you zipped the makeup bag up and turned to face Michael. "Ready."

A triumphant smile is on full display on Michael's face, going ear to ear.

"I love you so much, Michael." You whispered in his ear, ready to ignore the hateful comments as long as Michael is with you.


The light from your laptop lit up your features, making the tears glisten as they rolled quickly down your cheeks.

You wipe the tears away and close the computer when you hear the garage door open, signaling Luke's arrival. You laid down on the bed and pretended to be asleep, hoping Luke wouldn't notice you were crying.

A hand shook your shoulder and Luke's voice whispered your name softly.

You rolled over so you were looking at him and his crystal blue eyes. His eyebrows immediately furrowed together in worry.

"Were you crying?" he asked.

You shake your head unconvincingly and try to smile but it's doesn't work.

He picks you up and sits where you were laying a few moments ago, only this time you are on his lap.

"Yes, you were. I can tell because your eyes are as red as a tomato. Now tell me what was so bad that it was worth your tears."

"I can't handle the twitter hate anymore! It's too much!" you cry.

He holds you tighter and says, "Oh, [Y/N] that isn't worth your tears, not one bit. It's okay, they're all lies. You're more perfect than you could ever know."

You take his hand in yours and clutch to it for dear life, sobs still racking your body. Your tears were half from the hate, and half from the sweet words Luke just said to you.

"I love you, I love you, I love you," you mumbled in his neck.


Calum held you in his arms, rocking you back and forth on the couch, letting you stain his shirt with tears and mascara.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry Calum, I'm so fucking sorry," you cry.

He continues soothing you and playing with your hair. "[Y/N] please tell me what happened, I can't do anything if I don't know what's going on," he said.

You said nothing, but pulled your sleeve up to show him cut after cut.

The rocking stopped momentarily and he just fared at your wrist.

Suddenly he swung you around and put your legs on either side of his abdomen. You were still on his lap, but you were facing him now.

"[Y/N], please stay strong. You can do it. You were clean for months, you can do it again. I love you too fucking much for you to leave this world. I can't even imagine going about daily life without you. You're too important."

"But to people on twitter, I'm just useless and ugly!" you yell.

"But they're wrong! You're anything but useless, and the word 'ugly' is grammatically incorrect if used with your name, because you're so gorgeous, the prettiest girl in the world. You could believe the people on twitter, who hide behind a screen and are probably too scared to say that in real life, or you could listen to me. I'm right here, saying it now, and you know I can't lie to your face. I love you so much, and I know you can be strong."

You hug him harder than you knew you could, and you muffled promises to him, along with countless I love you's.


Cool cool cool.

I have an imagine and a pref I'm planning on doing tomorrow because I have more free time, so I'm looking forward to it.

Thank you for 575+ reads, wow!!!


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