mother nature

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Dedicated to @sidrah_5sos because she is an absolute angel!

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~you on your period~


You're lying on your back, palms flat against your abdomen, a water bottle filled with alcohol perfectly positioned in your arm pit with a straw angled so that you don't have to sit up to take a sip.

When you were on your period, you laid around doing nothing and sipping alcoholic beverages way earlier that you should be. When you're at work, you have a flask tucked away in your purse, ready to spike your daily coffee and tea. What can you say, it eased the cramps.

Luke came in your shared bedroom, pulled your drink out from it's secure spot between your body and arm, and he took a sip through the straw, thinking it was water, as the label advertised.

He immediately adopted a funny look on his face and spit the drink out onto the probably already stained carpet.

"What the hell? [Y/N] that's vodka, and you're sipping it like tea! It's only 4 in the afternoon!"

"Ughh Luke does it fucking look like I want to wait for an appropriate time to drink? Do I? It feels as if the devil is in my uterus, so don't you dare tell me when to drink until you've had Lucifer do somersaults inside of you."

"Well damn." Luke looked shocked at your description of cramps, but it's pretty accurate.

"You know, I'm just gonna... Yeah..." Luke says as he backs his way out of the room.


Michael was rushing around the house, looking for pamprin {cramp relief medicine if you didn't know} or Advil or Tylenol or anything to help your cramps. He finally ran back to the room, beholding the bottle of pain relievers like a shiny football trophy.

You groaned and gratefully accepted a couple of pills. 30 minutes later, you were still groaning and the cramps were still raging on.

"Michael it still hurts," you whine.

Michaels been rubbing your back with his left hand while scrolling through his laptop with his right.

"It says exercise helps cramps, so get some shoes on, [Y/N]."

You groaned yet again, but went with it because honestly, it was so cute that Michael is searching up ways to help your cramps. Plus, what if it really works?

Once your shoe were on, Michael pulled the door open for you and locked once you were in the warm summer air.

After you were down the path and on the sidewalk, you turned to Michael and said, "I'm tired already! Are you sure this is a good idea?"

"Positive. I can't stand seeing you in pain like that, and this is supposedly the best way to get rid of cramps."

You walk down to the park and look despairingly at the pond you were about to jog around.

About 50 meters in you got tired, and Michael carried you home on his back, and just the feeling of being cared for like this made you feel better.


You were walking home from a cafe with Calum and you were playfully racing each other to the apartment.

You were ahead by a few meters because Calum tripped over a crack in the sidewalk, so you put your hands on your knees and caught your breath while you waited for Calum to catch back up.

Calum came up to you with his sweater in his hands, offering it to you.

"Calum? I just ran from the light post back there, so thanks for the sweet gesture but I don't think need it, babe."

"No it's not for you to wear, [Y/N]. Well, not on your arms." You give him a confused look, urging him to explain. He lowered his voice and continued.

"I saw a red stain on your bum, and assumed you might want to put this around your waist."

You blush and gratefully take the sweater. The silence is awkward now, and you feel rather embarrassed that Calum saw a period stain on your pants.

He plants his arm around your shoulder and starts guiding you home.

"You're so adorable when you're embarrassed, [Y/N]."


"Ooh let's watch this one!" You hold up your DVD copy of The Fault In Our Stars {let's pretend it's out ok} and pull a puppy dog face, begging Ashton to let you watch this for movie night.

"No way! All you do is cry when we watch it, and between your tears and the movie, I end up crying, too!"

"Oh well, I'm bleeding so I get to choose the film." Ashton looks stunned, but doesn't protest when you pop it in.

You cuddle up to Ashton and turn the lamp off that's on the side table to your right.

The movie does in fact make both you and Ashton cry, and you think Ashton may have cried a bit more than you had.

You were still ferociously wiping your eyes with a tissue while Ashton just used his sleeve when the credits ended. You'd cried through the long ass credits, now that's an achievement.

"What a great movie." you heard Ashton say through the tears and his sweatshirt.

"Yep." You choke.

In a few more seconds, you burst out laughing, Ashton joining soon after. You're doubled over and can't hold in the cackles.

"This- this. Is so. Cliche!" you say between fits of laughter.

"A girl on her period crying with her boyfriend after a sad movie, sounds like the story of my cliche life!" Ashton jokes.



I'm feeling so much better and stronger so I hope this one was funny and lighthearted :-)

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