he takes you to the hospital

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Im sorry if this is late because I had a pref written but I ended up not liking it so I deleted it. And I know I like just did a doctor one but oh well

~he takes you to the hospital~


Your wrist was limp and throbbing as you sat on the floor beside your bed, crying and yelling for Calum.

The door to the bedroom bursts open and Calum stumbles through, obviously worried by your screaming.

His eyes widen when he sees you crying on the floor. "What happened?!" he says, out of breath from running up the stairs.

"My wrist! I rolled out of bed and landed on it and - and it hurst really really bad, Cal!" you say between sobs.

Calum carefully picks you up and takes you to the car, carrying you with ease.

He slid you onto the back seat and quickly ran around the car to open the driver side. All you could see through your tears and the pain was the interior roof of the car.

"Hurry," you mumble before squeezing your eyes shut.


Your eyes shot open when you woke up with a sharp pain stabbing at your insides.

Your hands immediately go to your swollen belly and your heart rate speeds up.

You reach over to Luke and shove his shoulder, making him groan.

"Babe, it's coming. Like, now. The baby is finally coming Luke!"

He sits up as fast as he could and starts listing instructions off as he pulls off his pajamas and replaces them with actual clothes.

"Okay, so I'll get your bag we packed last week with your stuff in it and I'll call your mom, too. You just need to get shoes on and go out to the car. The keys are on the counter. Shit, we're having a baby." He mumbled the last part to himself but you still hear it.

"Sir, yes, sir!" You fake salute him before struggling to get up. You just slip on some sandals, not even bothering to take off what you slept in.

You waited for Luke in the car, and soon enough he came jogging down the sidewalk with the bag bouncing on his hip. He was going to be such a good father.


You're currently laying on the grass, unconscious from being over heated.

Ashton was running around you in circles with his hands tangled in his hair, freaking out. "What the fuck am I supposed to do now?!"

He places one hand under your knees and the other under your back, carrying you car, where Calum, Michael, and Luke had already run to immediately after you passed out.

You were sprawled across Ashton and Michael in the back seat as Calum hurriedly rushed to the hospital.


You poke Michael's cheek as he drives, giggling maniacally.

"You've got cute cheeks, Mikey. I'm gonna keep touching them, if that's okay with you," you say with a drawling voice.

Michael just chuckles at you. You'd participated in a marathon, and obviously didn't drink enough water. Dehydration can cause you to act like you were high, so that's exactly how you were behaving.

"We're almost to the hospital, they're check you out and see if you're alright, okay?"

"Yes, Mikey, everything is okay if you say it is." You clumsily wink at him lay your head on his lap from across the console. Not the most comfortable position.

"[Y/N], stop distracting me! I'm driving!"

You look up at him, confused. "How is this distracting? I'm just layin' on your lap, hahah!"

He just rolls his eyes and uses one of his arms to sit you back up.


I feel so chill because I'm listening to Vampire Weekend and it's quiet other than the music.

But yeah, on Michael's pref, that actually happens with dehydration, hahaha it happened to me one time.

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