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"I don't think this party is a good idea." You simply state.

You have your arms crossed and eyebrow raised, trying to talk some sense into Calum.

Calum groans loudly and mimics your body language. "Why nottttt?"

"It's not a good idea!" You yell. "There's no doubt there's going to be alcohol and sex, and who knows what else! Drugs maybe! Other illegal shit!"

"Okay fine, you don't have to go. But I will." He says in a defiant tone.

"I don't think you should go either, Cal."

"Well guess what [Y/N]. You're not my fucking mother, so I don't have to do what you say." He retorts.

You gasp. "Cal I'm trying to look out for you. Don't you see? Or are you to damn blind to realize that I care about you that much? I don't want you to go to that party, get completely shit faced, then do something you regret, like take drugs, get in a fight, or have sex with some girl you don't know!" You scream.

Tears were streaming down your red cheeks by now, and you ran off to your room, embarrassed by your outburst.

You shut the door without locking it, half hoping Calum comes to comfort you. But when 30 minutes pass, you come to the conclusion that he went to the party after all.

You were picking up your sweater and purse, preparing to go to your best friends house to talk it out when a light knock is heard from the other side of your bedroom door.

Calum comes in without waiting for your answer, and you're confused until you see the huge teddy bear and bouquet of roses.

You stare at him in disbelief with your puffy eyes. "What is all this?"

"An apology" Calum answers.

He ran his free hand through his hair and sighed before he launched into a flurry of words. "I'm so sorry [Y/N], I don't know what I was thinking, I'm so stupid! You're right, the party is a bad idea. I'm so glad you told me not to go, or else right now I would be starting a night of regret, even though I already regret snapping at you. I love you so much, [Y/N]. Please forgive me" he pleads.

He sat the stuffed animal and the flowers next to you, then gets on one knee, pulling his signature pout that was so cute, you couldn't help but help him up and plant a kiss on his lips.

"It's okay, Cal. I'm just relieved you're not at that party."


You press the back of your hand to your forehead after you toss your keys down on the table in the front room of you and your boyfriend's apartment.

Once you kick off your heels, undo the tight bun on the back of your head, and shrug the stiff jacket off your shoulders, you find yourself in the kitchen pouring a glass of wine. A rather large one.

Today at work had been so stressful, and you just want to cuddle with Luke and fall asleep nestled into his chest.

You down the majority of the wine in a couple minutes as you lean against the counter. The last sip is quickly drained as you make your way into your shared bedroom.

You set down the empt wineglass and change into some more comfortable clothes: shorts and Luke's T-shirt.

You didn't even notice when Luke came out of the bathroom and threw himself next to you.

"Babe, can you make dinner?" he asks.

"No. I've a shit day at work and I'm exhausted." You reply shortly.

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