"pitchin' a tent"

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These are hilarious, I couldn't help myself!

~he's your bestfriend and gets a boner lol~


You turned the corner to the living room quickly and throw a short glance behind you, but Michael is nowhere to be seen anymore, like he suddenly vanished.

You stop, breathing heavily and leaning against the back of the couch.

Out of nowhere, Michael comes straight towards you with a mischievous grin. You let out a scream-laugh of some sort before our best friend tackles you to the ground, straddling you.

You giggle beneath him as his hands relentlessly tickle your waist.

"Stop! Stop!" you laugh while squirming your hips beneath him to try to get out of his grasp.

In the middle of your hysterical cackles and wiggling, Michael stops tickling you and gets up, turning around.

"I need to use the restroom," he says stiffly.

You quirk your eyebrow and come after him as he waddles to the bathroom.

You grab his arm just as he reached the door and turn him around. "What happened? Did I hurt you?" you ask.

"Umm... well not technically."

You raise your other eyebrow up to join the other one at the top of your forehead. "What do you mean, 'not technically'?"

He just sighs, but when you look down you see what he's talking about.

"Oh, Michael, gross!" You playfully hit his shoulder, laughing at his discomfort.

"You were moving your hips quite a bit, [Y/N], so you pretty much caused it!" And with that he pivoted on his heel and closed the door to the bathroom.


People can call y'all childish, but Hide and Seek is yours and Luke's favorite game to play together.

Today, you and Luke managed to get Calum, Michael, and Ashton to join in your little game. Ashton was doing the seeking portion of the game while the rest of you hid from him.

You and Luke were basically a power team; y'all play so much that you have tons of experience so y'all won almost every round.

The coat closet in Ashton's apartment was an ideal hiding spot except for the fact that it was really small. Nonetheless, y'all squeezed in it.

"Scoot back, Luke!" you whisper.

"I'm up against the wall!"

You sigh exasperatedly and scoot back, trying to disappear into the coats.

"Stop. Moving," Luke whispers in a low voice.

"I can't get comfortable!" You continue wiggling. "Fine, Luke, I'll stop moving, you don't have to poke me!" you say semi-quietly.

Luke just shifts a bit.

"Now you're the one moving," you at matter-of-fact-ly. You felt this entitled you to keep moving, so you did.

"[Y/N], please! No more movement!" The poking continues, and you finally understand, dropping your jaw.

You're still looking shocked at Luke when Ashton swings the door open. "Geez, y'all were so loud!"

Luke shuffles out of the closet and adjusts his jeans on the way to the bathroom.

"What's up with him?" Ashton asks.

You shake you head and say, "Hormones."


Your two best friends, Calum and [Y/B/F/N], were over at your house for the day, and Calum felt outnumbered being the only boy.

"Come on, can't we do things other than watch sad movies and talk about celebrities.

You and [Y/B/F/N] look at each other knowingly, and you go to the speakers to plug your phone in.

"Dance party!" you yell.

Calum rolls his eyes as you two make fools of yourself while dancing to Why'd You Only Call Me When You're High.

The next song up was Bounce by Iggy Azalea. You broke out into a fury of hip movements and partly twerking, losing yourself in the music as you and your friend danced while Calum just watched.

Once the song ended, you were both extremely winded, so you turned off the music.

Calum continues just staring at you, before sitting on the couch and crossing his legs, fidgeting every couple of seconds.

"What's up, Calum?" you ask.

"Um, nothing," he says, his voice cracking.

You laugh at him and sit on his lap with your head on his shoulder.

He gulps and looks away. "[Y/N] please get up, I'm gonna, uh, go to the- the bathroom."

You untangle yourself from him and look down.

"OH MY GOD CALUM HOOD! YOU HAVE A BONER!" You double over on the floor and crack up, rolling around.

Calum's cheeks turn a dark pink and he quickly gets up. "Yeah, yeah, we all get them."


There wasn't an abundance of seats at the barbecue, so you opted to share with your friend Ashton.

Trying to split the chair in half wasn't working so you ended up on his lap holding both his and your beer.

A song came on that you liked, so you swayed your hips on Ashton's lap, enjoying the tune.

His hands find your waist and he stops your movement, looking at you with wide eyes.

"What? This is a good song!" you defend.

He just looks at sternly and removes his hands. But once his palm lost contact to your body, you started dancing again, and this time, you feel something.

You scowl and look down at Ash.

"Ashton please tell me that's your phone."

His cheeks flush and looks away, barely mumbling "it was my phone" in a small voice.

"Ashton Irwin, you hormonal teenage boy!" You toss your head back and chuckle at him.

"Shhh! You can just yell that!"

"But you've got a boner!"

Ashton buries his head in your back when a few people look at him questionably.


These were so much fun to write because I can imagine them all occurring in real life!

Thanks tons for 2.5k!

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