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I hate snakes

~reactions to finding a sake~


When walking along the sidewalk at the park, a snake wasn't something you were expecting, much less wanting, to see.

"Shit, Luke, look!" you yell, gesturing to the long, brown snake.

Luke jumped back, pulling you with him and protectively holding his arm across your chest.


"Should we try to get rid of it, or do we just leave it alone?" he asks.

"Luke," you repeat.

"I think we should try to shoo it off; there's kids around here," Luke suggests.


He turns his head in your direction. "What? Do you have an idea?"

"No, you're just touching my boob."

He looks down at his arm, and sure enough, his hand was resting directly on your boob. It must have accidentally landed there when he slung his arm across your body.

His cheeks turn bright red and he removes his arm quickly, sticking it firmly to his side like a magnet, as if holding it to himself tighter would help him not do it again.

"Sorry, [Y/N], it was an accident," he mumbles.

You laugh at his embarrassment. "It's okay, Luke. It's not like you haven't touched them before," you say, winking at him as he blushes even harder.


"[Y/N]!!! Get out here, please!" Ashton screams from the backyard, most likely disturbing all the neighbors.

You slip through the sliding glass door and find him pressed up against the brick wall of the house. "Yes?"

"There's a snake, [Y/N], a really big snake." He points to the center of the lawn where a thick snake is coiled up, staring at you and Ashton.

You roll your eyes and grab a rake, holding it as far away from you as you could. You poke the snake, making it unravel and hiss.

"Shit!" you yell, dropping the rake and running towards the house, slamming the sliding door shut once you were safely inside.

Ashton comes barreling to the door, banging on it with open palms.

"Open up, [Y/N], there's a pissed off snake in this small backyard with me and it's your fault!"

You laugh at his desperation for a brief moment but slid the door open just enough so that he could get in.

Once you and Ashton both had a layer of glass in between you and that retched reptile, you sighed in relief and started cracking up.

"What's so funny? We could have died!" Ashton screeches.

"We are both such girls," you say in between giggles.


"HOLY SHIT!" you scream.

Calum comes rushing into the bathroom with a blanket over his shoulders mere seconds later. "What? What is it?"

You point to the bathtub, where a small snake is slithering around.

"Really, [Y/N]?" he says bluntly.

"Yes, Calum, really."

"But the thing is only, what, 7 inches long? It's just a garden snake, it's not poisonous," he explains like it's the most obvious thing in the world.

You roll your eyes at him and pat his buff chest with your palm. "If it's so harmless, then you won't mind getting it out of here."

His face paled and his eyes bulged. "I don't wanna touch it!" he shouts.

"But, 'it's just a garden snake, it's not poisonous'", you quote him, using a low, goofy voice.

"Um let's just call Luke. Yeah, Luke will get it out." {no, Luke will just touch your boobs lol}


You had just texted Michael to come outside, which he had barely agreed to, and you were currently standing on the wood deck, staring at the snake opposite of you.

Michael opened the door and poked his head out of the small opening. "You needed me?" he asks.

You put your finger to your lips to shush him, then use the same finger to point to the snake.

You and Michael had a silent conversation, mostly consisting of you motioning Michael over and him shaking his head, before Michael reluctantly makes his way across the deck, now only a foot or two from the reptile.

You look around the yard, and find a big stick, then run to get it and give it back to Michael.

Poking the ground near it, Michael inches towards the snake with the stick.

Finally he pokes the actual snake, prompting a hiss, then it slithered away.

You opened the fence door and Michael followed the snake until it was out of the yard.

You ran to Michael and did some kind of jump-hug thing, then you kissed him all over his cheek, saying, "My brave snake hunter."


Holy fuck so like two days ago I had 2.1k and now I have 2.4k this is unreal!!

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