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~you have a disorder of some kind~



Counting calories, tracking consumption. It's all you ever did anymore and it's making you crazy. Contrary to what you think, Luke noticed your behavior and was trying to find the right time to confront you about it.

As you were laying on the couch, watching Spongebob, Luke walked in and sat down next to you, pausing the TV.

"What'd you pause it for? Spongebob and Patrick were in that box and Squidward was gonna come out!" you protest. You sit up and lean against the arm of the couch, pulling your knees to your body.

"[Y/N], I want to ask you something, and please be honest when you answer, and remember that you can tell me anything," he says.

You nod at him, but he was really starting to freak you out. You clear your throat before trying to speak again. "Yeah, what's the question?"

"Well, I suppose it's more of an observation. I've just been noticing that... you haven't been eating much lately. And when you do eat, which is rare, you count the calories and scribble stuff into that notebook of yours before even thinking about eating it. I just want to know what's going on."

Your eyes widen and your heart rate quickens, making your hands shaky and clammy. "I- I don't know. I just like to know what I'm eating?" you offered.

Luke shook his head. "No, it's more than that, and it's really starting to worry me. [Y/N], I just want you to be healthy, and carrying on like this isn't good for you. You're so beautiful and you have no reason to diet, or skip meals."

You scoot over to Luke so that you could sit on his lap. "Thank you, Luke. And I'm sorry, I wasn't thinking."

After a few I love you's, Luke helped you throw away the journal before going to McDonald's for a big meal.



You wandered around the apartment aimlessly, inspecting every surface you came across for dusk and scanning the room to make sure everything was in place.

You stopped dead in your tracks when you spotted a pillow that had fallen. Rushing over to it, you pick it up and fluff it before carefully placing back in it's rightful place.

"[Y/N], dinners here!!" Ashton yelled as he closed the front door, carrying a few boxes of noodles and chicken.

"Okay, just a minute, I need to clean this room a bit."

Ashton pokes his head through the door and looks around before looking at you. "Babe it's spotless. Come eat!"

He caught your hand in his and pulled you into the kitchen. After the food was distributed onto two plates, you set them at the table, making sure the placemats were straight before you sat down.

Ashton settled down across from you and picked up his fork, but put it next to his plate again after thinking for a few seconds.

"[Y/N] why do always like things a certain way? I mean, I don't really care how you do things, but I'm just curious as to why you make sure everything's perfect before even sitting down to eat."

You thought for a moment and bit your lip as you composed a quick explanation in your head. "I don't know, I just do. Maybe it's OCD, maybe it's my personality. I'm sorry if it bugs you, though, I really am. I don't do it to bother people, I just do it."

Ashton nods before placing his hand on top of yours. "It's okay, I don't mind it."

You beam at your boyfriend and lean across the table to kiss his cheek as a thank you for being so understanding, more understanding than anybody had ever been when it came to how you were.



Calum looked up from his laptop from where he was sitting on the bed to look at you banging your head against the desk repeatedly.

"Umm [Y/N], you okay?" he asked carefully.

"No! I'm so pissed because this assignment is due tomorrow and I can't finish it! The letters are getting mixed up and my professor will think I just slammed my fist onto the keyboard a few times," you say.

Cal got up stood behind you. "Here, get up. I'll type it while you tell me what you want to say."

You hesitantly stand and let the boy sit. He cracks his knuckles over the keyboard before putting his fingers on the keys, poised to type.

You start talking, saying the things you want him to write. Eventually, the assignment is complete and you feel 100% better than you did 5 minutes ago.

"Thank you, Cal. You know, I should give you something special for helping me," you suggest.

You tug his arms so that he'll follow you to the bed. You sat down on the duvet and pull his neck towards you gently, using your fingers to play with the hair behind his ear.

Once he was a centimeter from your lips, you shifted your face and kissed his cheek, then got up sat back down at the computer.

Calum pouts at you as you email the paper to your teacher. "You're such a tease, you know that?"



"Do I have go to the concert?" you ask Michael for the third time.

"I would really appreciate it if you did, you haven't seen us play in a while," he answered.

You took his hand in yours and nervously played with his fingers. "It's just, you know how I get around a bunch of people, and what if your fans don't like me, or what if I lose my phone, and I would hate it if I-" you ramble before Michael cuts you off.

"It's gonna be fine, you'll be safe and sound in one of those suite things, and the fans will love you!" he reassures.

You nod and look away, feeling better but still a bit apprehensive.

When you get to the venue, you wait backstage until a security guy comes to lead you to your seat. You say a quick goodbye to Michael before trailing closely behind the large man.

As you passed some fans on your way, many noticed you and asked for pictures or just simply said hi.

Your hands were shaking the whole time you were taking selfies with various girls, all of whom were strangers. You think somebody noticed your anxious state because she handed you a little bag of candy with a shy half smile.

You look at her gratefully before hugging her. "You just looked somewhat uncomfortable."

Finally getting to your seat, you were able to breath and eat the candy while the boys came onto stage.


I'm terrible ugh I'm so sorry for being gone for more than a week, things have been really stressful and I'm really sensitive when it comes to stress.


I love all y'all and if you ever want to talk, you know where to find me.

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