you're drunk

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Dedicated to @jeyfer_irwin for voting on like all of my stories!! Thank you so much ily!

~you get drunk and such~


You were bent over the toilet bowl, throwing up the many drinks you've chugged in the last few hours. Luke was directly behind you, holding back your hair and rubbing your back with a grimace.

Once you had it all out, you wiped your mouth and tried to stumble back to your bedroom, but Luke blocked your way.

"Ew, gross, [Y/N] you just hurled for 10 minutes and you don't even brush? Go clean your teeth!"

You spit the last of the toothpaste into the sink and turn around to face Luke.

"Time to go drink more!" You tell. To say the least, you were still tipsy.

"If I had a dollar every time I heard that, I'd be rich." Luke sighed and shook his head.

"Yeah but if you had a dollar every time you were cool, you'd be broke as fuck." You cackle uncontrollably at your little joke, and fall on the floor of the bathroom.

"Yeah I think it's time for bed." Luke picked you up from your waist and threw you over his shoulder, grunting.

You kicked the air and pounded your fists on his back.

"But I wanna partyyyy! There's 30 people downstairs drinking, and I plan on doing the same until at least 2!" You yell.

"You've drank enough for everybody down there, so it's time for a break." Luke tossed you onto the bed, making you bounce on the mattress.

He removed your heals and unzipped your dress, leaving you in your undies. He helped you into a big t-shirt and pulled the comforter up to your chin, kissing your forehead before returning to the party.


You stumbled your way over to where Calum sat and plopped down on his lap.

"I'm drunk," you whispered in his ear, followed by a giggle.

"Yes, [Y/N], I know, I saw you on the table dancing," he chuckled and kissed your cheek, amused by your drunken decisions.

Your head rests on his shoulder and you start crying. "[Y/N] what's wrong?" Calum asks, confused by your sudden tears, as you were so giggly 10 seconds ago.

"When I was 8, my cat ate my hamster," you cried, prompting a wild laugh from Calum, which didn't stop for a good 2 minutes.

"Why are you laughing? MY HAMSTER IS DEAD!" you yell, but you couldn't help but laughing, too.

"My hamster is dead!" you cackle.


You and your friends were all sitting around the table, laughing.

"[Y/N]! I'm home!" Ashton called.

"Oh heeyyy Ashton! I just invited some of my friends over, s'no big deal," you slurred.

"[Y/N], are you drunk?"

"Maybe, maybe not," you half confess.

Ashton giggles girlishly and takes a seat next to you. "Pass me some of that!" he yells.

All of your friends whoop and holler, and the girl to your left reaches over you and hands Ashton the bottle of vodka you've been passing around.

Ashton's takes it and pretends like he's gonna take a sip, but then grabs the cap quickly and shuts it, putting it on a high shelf.

"No more drinking, it's like 2 in the afternoon," he says sternly, making you and your entourage boo.


"Ew, you creep, get off me!" you yell, but your words are laced slightly with humor.

"[Y/N], it's me, Michael. It's time to go back home." He shakes his head and laughs at you.

"I'm sorry, Michael," you say, putting air quotes around 'Michael', "but I don't go home with strangers. Now, I need to go find my boyfriend."

Michael looks more confused now. "But I'm your boyfriend!"

"No, you're not. My boyfriend drove me here so I need to find him so we can go home." You stumble to your left, and clumsily try to stand on your tippy toes, attempting to see over all the heads.

You had long since taken your heels off, so they were dangling in your hand, making you shorter than you were at the beginning of the night.

"I drove you here!" Michael is doubled over laughing at you.

"Can you please help me find him? I can't even walk straight, ha!"

"Yeah, yeah, what's he look like?" Michael says, prepared to get a funny response.

"Well he's tall and pale, and he's wearing black jeans and a black t-shirt, he has a few tattoos, and an earring. Oh yeah, and his hair is green. Wow, you look just like him!"

Michael rolls his eyes. "I think I see him hold on." He goes about 10 feet behind you, turns around and comes back.

"[Y/N]!" he yells.

"Michael! I sent some guy to find you, I guess he did. Can we go home? I can't even think straight."


I am so sorry I didn't upload this yesterday, I had it all written out but I had a panic attack and I just forgot and I'm so so sorry ): but I hope you liked them! They were so much fun to write!

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