4.) Party At Bruno's House🎆🎊 🎉

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Previously, in the last chapter Harry got a text from Summer saying that he is invited to Bruno's Annual tour party. Also Louis and Harry had their first kiss in the limo. So let's go on this chapter shall we?

In the morning on a Saturday beautiful day Louis spent the night at Harry's house so Harry and Louis was both sleep on couches in the living room. As they was both sleep Harry's phone vibrated with a text from Summer. The text reads as followed

Summer: Hey good morning Harry. Where the hell is Louis?

Harry woke up from out of his sleep and looked at the text from Summer. And he replied and text reads as followed:

Harry: Good morning to you too Summer. And Louis is here at my place because he fell asleep while we we're watching a movie together last night.

Summer: You do realize what time is it right?

Harry: What time is it Summer?

Summer: It is 11:30am and Trey is on his way to come pick you up right now.

Harry: Wait what? Now!!!!

Summer: Yes now. So, get ready and hurry please.

Harry: On it see you soon.

Summer: See you.

After Summer sent that last text message Harry got up from the couch and went over to Louis and woke him up. Once Louis woke up from his sleep he said, "Harry what time is it"? Harry said, "It is 11:54am and Trey is coming to pick us up soon."

Once Harry said that Trey was picking them up soon Louis jumped out of his sleep and said, "It is what time? Holy shit the party starts at 1:00pm. Harry why the hell are we still sleep. We got to move now." After Louis said that he flung the covers off him and went upstairs and took a shower.

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