21.) 2nd Day in The Domician Republic🌴🌊⚽

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The next morning me and Lamar woke up and got up before everyone else got up and then Lamar said," How do you like the Domician Republic so far"? I smiled up at him and said,"I like it and it's so beautiful out here". Meanwhile in the room with Bianca and Christian was having a kiss with each other. After they was done Christian said,"There is a club around here that we can go to out here". (By the way Bianca is 21 years old now and Christian is 23 years old okay back to the story).

Christian said,"Do you want to go"? Bianca said sure and then they got dressed and came out their room and was about to leave out the room when me and Lamar stopped them and said," Where are you guys going"? Bianca replied," We are going to a club that Christian knows out here". Then I said," Would you mind if me and Lamar come along with you guys"? Bianca and Christian said no and then me, Lamar, Christian and Bianca all left the hotel room and then left the hotel.

As we left out the hotel Bruno and Zayn was up and so was everyone else and then they came into lounge area and Bruno said,"Where is Bianca, Christian, Lamar and Sekayi "? Then Eric give Bruno the note that Bianca have left on the counter and then Bruno read it and then said," Ooh they went to a club okay cool". Ashley said," I know what club they went to because me and Summer went there and it is a awesome place". Summer agreed with Ashley then Eric said," What's the name of the club Ashley"? Ashley said," It's called The Groove and Bar".

Bruno looked up the club and said," Wow it looks nice inside and on the outside". Then he showed the others and everyone agreed and then Eric said," Hmm do you guys think that soon or later Christian is going to pop the question to Bianca. I can see it right now. I mean they been together for 5 years now so yeah". Bruno looked like he was going to cry and then said," My little girl is all grown up". Zayn agreed and said,"Yeah." Meanwhile with Christian, Bianca, Lamar and Me we saw the club and then I heard my song Rio Hot wings "I Wanna Party" playing inside the club.

When we stepped into the club the song started to play and then we started to dance immediately to the song and having a great time. I said,"This is my song". Bianca agreed and said,"Yeah I love this song". Then the song went off and then "Bruk of Your Back" started to play. Me and Bianca showed the boys how we danced the Caribbean way. Christian and Lamar liked it and then joined in with us. (Christian brought Bianca to the club because he got her a surprise later) the song went off and then Chris Brown's Privacy started to play and then I was shocked.

I said," I didn't know that the Domician Republic played Chris Brown music here sweet". Then me and Lamar started to dance with each other and so did Bianca and Christian but we didn't know that the others walked into the club and was watching us having a great time. Bruno said," I didn't know Bianca knew how to dance like that".   Zayn agreed and said," I didn't know either". Then the song went off and then they played Austin Mahone "I don't Believe You" song.

As the song was playing we went over to a table and then Christian pulled Bianca to the side and said," Bianca I got you something, close your eyes". Bruno and everyone else gasp and then Eric said," I think he is about to do it". Christian got on one knee and me and Lamar gasped and looked at each other and then Christian said,"Okay babe open your eyes now". Bianca opened her eyes and then gasp when she saw what Christian had in his hands. Then said," Omg Christian is this what I think it is"? Christian smiled and said," Bianca Malik Mars I love you with all my heart and will do me the honor and marry me"? Bianca smiled back and then said," Yes Christian I love you".

Then me and Lamar congratulated them and then everyone else went back up to the room and then me and Lamar and Bianca and Christian went back to dancing and having fun. At 2:45pm we went back up to the room and when we got back into the room Bruno said," My little girl is getting married. I'm so proud of you Bianca and Christian my man come here son".

Christian walked over to Bruno and they bro hugged each other and then Bruno said," Welcome to the family son". Christian said thanks and then Eric said,"I told you that he was going to eventually pop the question to Bianca." Everyone laughed and then Ashley and Summer both said congrats to Bianca and then to Christian and they both said thx. Then Eric said," Well tomorrow we are going back on the ship to go back to LA so I suggest everyone go do their last shopping before the boat arrives".

Everyone agreed and then Lamar said," Mind if I come back to LA with you guys"? Everyone said why not and then Lamar said thanks and then there came a knock at the hotel door and then Ashley went to go see who it was and then when she opened the door all we heard was her screaming and then she said," OMG IT'S JUSTIN BIEBER!!!!!!! Then when Justin walked fully into the lounge area me Summer and Bianca all screamed and said,"OMG Justin Bieber Ahh"!!!!!

Justin smiled and then said," Hey ladies and what's up Bruno"? Bruno and Justin did their handshake and then Justin sat down on the couch and Ashley, Summer and Bianca sat right next to him. Bruno then said," Excuse Summer, Ashley and Bianca but they are big fans of yours man". Justin laughed and said, " It's cool man I don't mind". Ashley and Summer and Bianca all giggled and then looked at Justin and smiled. Then Eric and said," What brings you to the Domician Republic Justin"? Justin replied," I'm going to be performing here so yeah".

We all said cool and then Bruno said," Hey Justin my daughter Bianca just got engaged". Justin said oh wow and then Bianca showed him the ring and then Justin said,"Congratulations to you and your man." Then Christian greeted himself to Justin and then Justin said," Congrats man". Christian said thanks and then I said," Hey Justin this is my boyfriend Lamar".

Lamar and Justin shook hands with each other and then Justin said,"Well I just decided to stop by and say hello but I got to get up early in the morning to practice before my performance. Are you guys still staying here"? Then Bruno replied," Actually this is our last night and then we have to catch the Carnival and head back to Los Angeles". Justin said okay and the said, "Well have a safe trip back and nice seeing you guys".

We all said nice seeing you too and then Justin said bye to us ladies and then Ashley escorted him to the door and let him out and then he left our room. Once he left Ashley said,"OMG Justin is so cute and just so handsome". Then everyone went in their room and then got settled in and did their own things and went to sleep after.

*Well there you have it folks and get ready for the next chapter. Until then peace. -Sekayi aka Taylor

*Main Characters *
Bruno Mars as himself
Zayn Malik as himself
Eric Hernandez as himself (Bruno's brother/ band mate)
Ashley as herself (Bruno's girlfriend)
Summer as herself (Zayn's girlfriend
Bianca Malik Mars as herself (Bruno and Zayn's daughter)
Christian Dante as himself (Bianca's Fiance)
Sekayi as myself
Lamar Osborne as himself (my boyfriend)

*Guest stars*
Justin Bieber as himself (Pop singer)

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