32.) Meeting Paul Walker. 😎✌🤘

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    Previously in the chapter Bianca got her first morning sickness and plus today me and Brian are taking Bianca to go see her favorite actor from Fast and furious at the Beverly Hills hotel so this will be the most exciting story ever.

        So it was 12:35pm in the afternoon when Christian and Bianca was downstairs in the living room watching TV when all of sudden Bianca's iPhone flashed with a text message. The message was from me.  The message read as followed:

Me: Get dressed you are going to go visit a special someone today at the Beverly hills hotel. 

Bianca: Who Tay?

Me: Let's just say this particular person plays in your favorite movie.

Bianca: Um okay. Is Brian coming too?

Me: Yes he is driving us so yeah. Yeah Brian got his car yesterday and girl it's the new 2017 mustang GT. It's white with black stripes so look out for it okay?

Bianca: Okay see you then.

Me: Absolutely.😉

      After that text message was sent Christian said," Bae what are u going to wear to go to the hotel"?   I took Christian by the hand and guided him upstairs to our room and then said,"This bae".   I pulled out a nice black shirt and a pair of ripped skinny jeans.  When Christian saw the outfit he said," Love it sweetie. It's going to look nice on you". 

    After he said that Bianca asked," Are you coming too bae"?  Christian sat on the bed and then said, "That's if you want me to."   I laughed and said," Of course I want you to sweetie. You know I do".   After Bianca said that they both went to get dressed. After they got dressed they went back downstairs and sat down on the couch.

      As they was sitting in the living room they heard a car coming up to the driveway and then car honked it's horn and then Bianca looked out the window and said," They are here bae let's go".  Then Brian and me got of the car and walked up to the front door and ringed the bell.  Bianca opened the door and I said," Wow Bianca you look  nice and so do you Christian". 

      Bianca said thx and saw Brian's car and said," Wow omg you got the new mustang GT no way it looks nice". Brian said," I got as a gift from my mom but thx". Then we got in the car and left from the house and headed to the hotel. As we was heading to the house we was listening to Club music and then the song named Shining by Beyonce ft. Jay-z & DJ Khaled started to play and me and Brian smiled at each other. 

     After 15 minutes we arrived at the hotel and Brian parked in front of the hotel and then we got out of the car and walked up to the hotel and then the hotel manager greeted us and said to me and Brian,"Paul should be here soon okay".  We said okay and then went to join Bianca and Christian.  Bianca said, "I'm nervous. I can't wait to see who I am meeting here".  After 10mins later we saw a red Porsche pulled up to the hotel and parked and then the person stepped out of the car and started to walked up to the hotel and then Brian give the signal and then Christian covered Bianca's eyes. 

     Paul walked into the hotel and took his sunglasses off and then Brian and I went over to him and said hey and then Christian said, "You ready bae"?  Then Bianca said,"Yes bae.  I'm so ready".   After she said we sat her down on the couch and then Christian moved his hands from her eyes and right before her eyes she saw her favorite actor from Fast and furious Paul Walker sitting right in front of her.   She covered her face and said,"OMFG...NO FREAKING WAY PAUL FREAKING WALKER SITTING RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME OMG."  Paul Walker smiled at her and said, "I heard your a big fan of mine". Then Bianca caught her breathe and said,"Yes I love u from Fast and Furious."

      Then Paul Walker hugged her and she smiled and hugged him back and then looked at us and mouthed thank you to us and we return her with a smile.  Then Brian said,"We will leave you two alone for a moment okay. "  Once Brian said that me, and Christian followed Brian outside of the hotel and stood outside.  Once we got outside Christian said,"Thanks for doing this for her you two. You just made her day so much better".  Me and Brian said no problem and checked on Bianca and Paul and they was laughing about something.  Then after 15mins later Paul and Bianca came out the hotel and then Paul said,"If you guys want you guys can come by my house and chill. I mean if you like"? 

     We all said sure and then Paul said okay and got in the car and then we got in Brian's car and followed Paul to his house.  Once we turned on his street we saw a big and gorgeous house and we all said, "Wow OMG."  Then Brian parked his car next to Paul's car and we all got out the cars and then Paul said, "Welcome to my home". We said thx and followed him up to the front door and walked into the house. Paul's daughter was home and she came downstairs and when she saw me and Brian she said,"Hey Brian and Taylor."  We said hi back and then Paul said, "Meadow honey this is Bianca a fan of mine".  Bianca and Meadow introduced themselves to each other and then Paul said,"Meadow would u give our guest Bianca a tour of the house".  Meadow said sure and then her and Bianca left the living room while me, Brian and Paul stayed in the living room. 

      Brian said,"So Paul how is everything going with you"?   Paul sighed and said," Good just taking care of my daughter and guess what she got a boyfriend already. They go to the same school. His name is Rafael.  He is a nice young man."   Me and Brian said wow when Paul said that Meadow got a boyfriend.  Then I said,"How old is Meadow now"?  Paul replied, "She is 19 now.  And her boyfriend is 21".  After Paul said that Meadow and Bianca came back to the living room and then Bianca said, "Paul your house is nice in the inside and  the backyard is nice".  Paul played some music and "I feel it Coming by The Weeknd ft. Daft Punk" started to play through the speakers and then Bianca said,"This is my favorite song by The Weeknd". After the song went off "Rio Hot wings I wanna Party "started to play.  Meadow and Bianca started to dance because this was Meadow's favorite song too.  Paul and the rest of us started to laugh.  

       Then Paul said," I got something for u Brian and Taylor". We said what at the same time then after the song went off he turn to Jersey club and then me and Brian said aye. Paul said, "Yeah you didn't know I knew about that huh"?   Meadow said, "Oh my dad heard it coming from the Staples Center when you guys was practicing and he liked it and he looked it up".  Then I said, "I didn't know the speakers was that loud damn".  Paul and Meadow said,"Oh yeah they are loud".

      Then Brian said, "Actually we got practice today at the Staples Center. And Paul I was wondering if Meadow can come with us".  Then Paul said sure and then meadow went to change her clothes and then came back downstairs and then she said bye to her dad and then left out the house and got into Brian's car and left to go to the staples Center.  Once we got to the Staples Center the rest of the dance group was there and was waiting for us. 

      Once we got settled Brian said, "Hey people this is Paul Walker the Paul Walker's daughter Meadow Walker she will be watching us today".  Everyone said hi to Meadow and Meadow said hi back and then sat down in then sat in the front row next to the stage.  After she sat down we started dance practice immediately.   Meadow took her iPhone out and recorded us while we was dancing.  After dance practice was over Meadow said,"Wow that was best dancing I ever seen".  Brian said, "I'm glad you liked it and don't forget to show your dad". After Brian said that we left the Staples Center and took Meadow back home and went back to Bianca's and Christian's house. 

      Bianca and Christian said bye to us and then we left and then for the remaining of the day Bianca and Christian spend time with each other.

Well there it folks Bianca got to meet her favorite actor.  Until then get ready for season 2.

*Main characters*
Bianca Malik-Mars as herself (Bruno's and Zayn's daughter)
Christian Dante as himself (Bianca's fiance)
Brian Esperon as himself (My dance choreographer)
Me as myself

*Guest characters*
Paul Walker as himself
Meadow Rain Walker as herself (Paul Walker's daughter)

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