8.) Zayn Gets a Surprise 😮😱

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Previously Zayn and Bruno hit it off with each other and now Zayn is in for a big surprise. Ooh boy shit is about to get real in this chapter. I hope you are ready for it. Let's get to the story shall we.

The next morning on the bus everyone was up except for Bruno and Zayn and then all of sudden Zayn felt something in his stomach and then he got up and ran for the bathroom. Once he got to the bathroom he leaned over the toilet and threw up into it. Bruno heard him and he went into the bathroom and saw that Zayn threw up in it.

Bruno walked over to him and said, " Are you okay bae"? Zayn said, " Yes I'm fine... Omg... Throws up more". Then Bruno got worried so he went back into the room and got out a pregnancy test from his dresser and handed it to Zayn. Zayn looked at it weird and then looked at Bruno. Bruno gave the go ahead signal and then Zayn took the test and did it.

After he did the test he waited for the result. While he was waiting for the result he looked at the test and then back at Bruno and then back at the test. After five minutes one line showed up but then another popped up after and made a ➕ sign.

When Zayn saw that he got a positive sign his eyes went big and he dropped the test tube and then threw up again in the toilet. Bruno picked up the test and looked at it and then he smiled. Once Zayn was done throwing up Bruno hugged him and kissed him and said, " We are going to have a baby. I am so proud of you bae".

As they were hugging they didn't know that Ashley and Summer walked in the room and then Bruno said, "Hey Ashley and Summer we as your boyfriends have something to tell you"? Ashley and Summer both said, " Okay what's wrong"? Then Bruno said, " Me and Zayn are having a baby".

Then they all did a victory dance and then Summer hugged and kissed Zayn and said, "Your pregnant Zayn"? Then Zayn looked at Summer and said, "Yes I am baby." Summer kissed and hugged Zayn and then felt his stomach and then kissed his stomach. After that Zayn said, "Excuse us ladies for a minute please".

But before Ashley and Summer left Bruno said, " Hey Summer would you like to be the mother of the baby? Consider it a gift for you and Zayn". Then Zayn and Summer looked at Bruno and said, "Really"? Bruno smiled and said, "Yes". Then Summer said wow but then she thought about it and said, " But wait I'm not the one who give the baby to Zayn. You did Bruno."

Bruno placed his finger on Summer's mouth and said, "It doesn't matter. I just want you to be the mother of it". Then Summer said, " I will be the baby's aunt okay. Because the baby deserves both parents so yeah". Bruno sighed and then said, "Okay".

After Bruno said that Zayn said, " Excuse me ladies. I need to talk with Bruno right quick". Ashley and Summer said okay and then left out the room and Ashley closed the door. Once they left out the room Zayn said, "Are we going to tell the others"? Bruno said, " Yes eventually we will bae".

Zayn said okay and then him and Bruno kissed and then Zayn felt sick again and ran in the bathroom and threw up again. Meanwhile in the lounge area everyone was talking until Dwayne heard Zayn throwing up and said, " Hey guys do you hear that"? Everyone got quiet and then they heard it again and then Eric said, " Yup I hear it alright".

Kameron said, "Who is that"? After Kameron said that Bruno and Zayn came into the lounge area and sat down on one of the couches and then Zayn held his stomach because it was hurting him and then Dwayne noticed and said, " Zayn was that you"?

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