25.) Bianca and Christian's Wedding 💐💒💍

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    Previously in the last chapter Christian decided to pop the question to Bianca and now today is the big day for them.  You guessed it their wedding date.   That's right I said their wedding date.  So let's get to the story shall we?

      It was 10:35am in the Beverly Hills California at Bruno Mars's house and everyone was sleep until Bianca woke up and said,"Sekayi "?  I woke up and said,"Yes Bianca. You know what today is right"?   Bianca smiled and said,"Hey I didn't forget and I know Christian didn't either".  Meanwhile in the room with the guys the guys was already up and talking about the wedding. 

      Zayn said,"So Christian are you ready for your big day man"?  Christian replied," Ooh you already know I'm ready. I just hope my fiance is ready"?   Bruno said,"Ooh she is ready man I bet you she is".  Christian then said,"Damn my stomach is gurgling like crazy".  Bruno and Zayn both looked at Christian and smirked and Christian read their minds and then said," Ha funny you two I think it's both".   Harry and Louis both started cracking up.   Meanwhile in the girls room Bianca was just getting her hair done and make up.

     Ashley spun Bianca towards the mirror to see her self and Bianca said,"I love it Ashley and Summer thank you girls". Meanwhile Zayn and Bruno was looking for a nice house for Bianca and Christian to move in after they get married and have the reception party at Bruno's house.  Zayn saw one and said,"Voila found one bae look at this"? Bruno looked at the picture of the house and said," I like that one definitely Bianca and Christian will like this one. Save that one".   Zayn said okay and screen shot it and turn his screen off. 

    After he did that Christian,Harry and Louis,Niall,Liam and the rest of Bruno's band mates came downstairs and then Bruno said," Looking sharp Christian. You ready to get to the church"?   Christian said absolutely and then Bruno grabbed his keys and then him and Christian headed out the door and got in Bruno's car and headed to the church.   After they left Bianca came downstairs in her wedding gown and everyone said," Wow you look gorgeous".   Bianca said thx and then Eric," You ready Bianca"?      Bianca took a deep breath and said,"Yes".  Then Niall and Zayn held her trail as she walked out the door towards the limo.

      Once they got into the limo Zayn locked up the front door of the house and then got into the limo and then they left for the church.  Meanwhile at the church Bruno and Christian was standing outside and waiting for a text from Ashley.  After 5mins a text came on Bruno's phone from Ashley and the text reads as followed:

     Ashley: Hey bae are you ready for Bianca?  Bc she is ready.

Bruno typing....
Bruno: Yeah we are ready for her. You could being her to the church.

Ashley: Okay we coming right now see you there.

Bruno typing....
Bruno: Okay bae love you.

Ashley: Love you too hun. 😘

Bruno typing...
Bruno: 😘😊

     After Bruno sent that last emoji Ashley said," Alright guys let's go. They are ready for us".  Everyone said okay and then left out the house and got into the limo and drove off to the church.  After five minutes later we arrived at the church and Bruno was standing outside waiting for Bianca.  Bianca came out the limo first followed by Zayn and Niall holding her trail of her dress.  Bruno walked over and said," You look beautiful sweetie". 

      Bianca said,"Thx papa". Once she said that everyone else went into the church and then Bruno took Bianca's arm and then the doors of the church opened and then the bridal March started to play through the church and then Bianca and Bruno walked down the aisle as everyone stood up for the bride.   Bianca held on Bruno's arm with a tight grip and looked at him as they got to the middle aisle where Christan was standing up front. 

       Bianca looked up and smiled at Christian and Christian smiled back and then Bruno and her started walking down the middle aisle and once they got up to the front Bruno kissed Bianca on the cheek and then handed her hand to Christian and then everyone sat down and then the pastor made them do their vows and then he said,"By the power invested in me I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride".  Christian lifted Bianca's veil and then they kissed and the whole church clapped and cheered.  Then the weddings bells started to go off as Christian and Bianca walked down the aisle hand and hand.

      Once they got outside some of the guest said congratulations to them and then it was time for the reception party. Bruno took his car back to the house and Zayn rode with him while everyone else got into the limo and followed Bruno and Zayn back to the house.  Once they got back to the house Brian and I was at the house already.  They all said hi to me and Brian and me and Brian said hi back.  After that everyone changed their clothes and went in the backyard and I hooked my phone into the speakers and played Mi gente as the first song.

     Dwayne said," Hey Bruno are you going to make the announcement"?  Bruno said," Ooh shit I almost forgot thx for reminding me bro".  Then he told me to pause the music down and I did and then Bruno said,"I have a announcement to make everyone. Bianca and Christian me and your dad got a surprise for you"?   Then after Bruno and Zayn and Bianca and Christian went in Bruno's car and then everyone else went in the limo and went to the place.   Once they got to the place Bianca and Christian both said,"Who's house is this"? 

      Zayn and Bruno smiled and said," Welcome to your new home Bianca and Christian just brought it for you".  Bianca and Christian was shocked and said," This is our house"?  Zayn said," Yup sure is".  Bianca and Christian stepped out of the car and went up to the house and then Zayn handed them the key to the door and then Christian opened the door and then Bianca was taken by surprise.  She said," Omg it's gorgeous".  Bruno and Zayn high fived each other behind each other back and then John said," We all contribute to pay for the house".  

     Bruno then said," Go take look around you two".  Christian and Bianca held each other's hands as they tour around the house and then Eric said," Nice one bro and I told you she will love it".  Bruno said," You was right bro".   After that has been said Bianca and Christian came back from touring the house and then said," Our stuff  is already here. Wait how"?  Kameron replied," You can thank me for that guys".   Christan and Bianca said thank you and then Bruno said, " Well this is where we leave you two". 

     Bianca hugged both her dad and papa and then Christian shook their hands and then said bye to everyone else and then went into the house and closed the door.  After they closed the door Bruno and everyone else got back​ into the cars and left and went back to Bruno's house.   Once they got back to Bruno's house Bruno said," Well guys our mission is complete".  Brian then said," Well me and Taylor are off to dance rehearsal now". Everyone said bye to me and Brian and then me and Brian left the house and went to the studio.

       Then Liam,Niall said they was leaving and then they left and then it was everyone else that was there in Bruno's house.  Harry and Louis said," Well that wedding went well I say".  Everyone agreed and then everyone went in their rooms and chilled out for the rest of the night.

*Well there you have it folks Bianca and Christian got their new house and they had a successful night and wedding*

Main characters
Bruno Mars as himself
Eric Hernandez as himself (Bruno's brother/ band mate
Zayn Malik as himself
Harry styles as himself
Louis Tomlinson as himself
Liam Payne as himself
Niall Horan as himself
Dwayne Dugger as himself (Bruno's band mate)
James King as himself (Bruno's band mate)
Jamareo Artis as himself (Bruno's band mate)
Phredley Brown as himself (Bruno's band mate)
Philip Lawrance as himself (Bruno's band mate/back up singer)
John Fossit as himself (Bruno's band mate)
Kameron Whalum as himself (Bruno's band mate)
Bianca Malik-Mars as herself (Bruno's and Zayn's daughter)
Christian Dante (Bianca's husband)
Sekayi aka Taylor (myself)
Brian Esperon as himself (My second dance cheorgrapher)

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