The First Day

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I brush out my hair and sigh. "Vylad! Where'd you put my hairspray?!"

Vylad runs in laughing, "Fine, you caught me. I stole it..."

"Thanks for giving it back." I say, rolling eyes and spraying some on my hair.

"Why'd you do your hair like that? And why's it need hairspray?" Vylad asked.

I roll my eyes at his stupidity. "A) I like this hairstyle. And B) This-" I shake the hairspray. "Keeps my hair in place."

"Oh. Well maybe you should've done that AFTER you got dressed." Vylad suggests, gesturing down to my pajamas.

I face palm. "I'm an idiot."

"Yes, you are. Now have fun getting dressed, I don't want to be in here for that fun event." He smirks and runs downstairs, leaving me alone in our room.

I quickly and carefully slip on my Phoenix Drop High uniform, being careful not to mess up my hair. I contemplate my decisions. I should really start thinking my actions through a little bit more. I check myself in the mirror. "Good."

I run downstairs and sit at the table. My gorgeous mom is in the kitchen, standing by the toaster. "Morning Mom." I say cheerfully. I love talking to my mom, she's like, my best friend.

"Morning hun! How's my favorite daughter?" She says kindly.

I groan. "You're only daughter, mom."

"The question still stands." She laughs, kissing my cheek and putting a piece of toast in front of me.

"Oh, well, I'm exhausted."

"You're always tired." Zane says, rolling his eyes from the top of the staircase.

"I could say the same for you." Garroth said as he runs down the stairs, pushing my black-haired brother out of the way.

"Watch it!" Zane yells bitterly.

"I wouldn't have to if it didn't take you four years to walk down the stairs. It's not the Victoria's Secret Catwalk." Garroth retorts.

He gasps. "Well, maybe if you wouldn't take 2 whole hours to get ready, you'd be down here before me and this wouldn't be a problem in the first place!"

"Hey! I don't just wake up like this!" Garroth snorts.

"Okay, boys. Enough." Mom warned, but still in her happy voice.

I eat my toast. "So Vylad,"

"What?" He says, sitting up. He's suddenly alert.

We all chuckle. Vylad as always been jumpy. We can only assume why, to be honest. It makes sense, given that our- you know what? Let's not talk about that now.

"Y/N, why'd you do that? Now everyone's laughing at me." He frowns.

I laugh, "Well, you've been quiet."

"Vylad's always quiet." Garroth says.

I laugh again, "No he's not! He was jabbering non-stop this morning."

"Yeah! I'm not!" Vylad says.

"I hate to interrupt your conversation about one of my lovely sons, but we have to leave for school!" Mom says in a sing-songy voice. I hop up from my chair and put all the plates from breakfast into the dishwasher, grab my backpack, and run out the door.

"Well, someone's excited for their first day." I hear Garroth say to mom as she giggles.

"I'll beat you to the car!" I yell to Vylad. This has always been or tradition. Every morning. From the first day of kindergarten until now.

"Y/N, we're highschoolers now. We don't race to the car." He says, rolling his eyes.

"Oh." I frown, stopping in my tracks.

"Just kidding!" He yells, running to the car and beating me.

"Hey! You tricked me, cheater!" I yell running after him.

I hop into the car and ride to school listening to This Is Gospel while my nerves jump around inside of me. This is a big life event! Anything could happen today! But, regardless, I'm so ready for it.

The Perfect One//Gene X Reader(COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now