Frolicing Along Death Row (Pt. 2)

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"There's another person who more than 'doesn't despise'.." Gene says.

I tilts my head, "Huh? That made no sense.."

"Ya know, someone who less than hates you." He elaborates.


"Someone who doesn't hate you- IRENE Y/N I'M TRYING TO SAY I LIKE YOU!"

"As a friend, I know. Yeesh." I shrug.

"Not just as a friend Y/N..."


I blink.

"Y/N? You spaced out." Gene says.

I blink again. "Oh, sorry.. What did you say?"

"Sasha and I are there for you. We don't despise you, your family doesn't despise you."

Oh great, I was fantasizing... I wanna cry right now. He doesn't like me as more than a friend. To be honest, I never realized I liked him as more than that until now.. With everything that was going on.

"Thanks Gene." I finally speak.

He smiles, "No problem."

We sit in silence for a while then we see Zenix and Sasha's silhouettes walking towards us.

"GUYS-" Sasha says, out of breath.


"LETS GO!" Zenix says.

Gene tilts his head, "What's the rush?"

They shrug, "We're just tired from running and wanna go sit down in the car."

Gene rolls his eyes and I giggle, "Alright. Lets go."


We sit in the car, jamming out to the radio.

Sasha pulls out her phone to check it, "Guys I need to get home."

"Same." Zenix groans.

"I should get home too."

"Alright. Let's go."

We start driving. First we drop off Sasha, then Zenix. I'm alone in the car with Gene for 15 minutes, lucky me.

We sit in silence the whole ride, each of us trying to figure out what to say. We finally pull up into my driveway. "I'll walk you in."

He helps me out of the car and inside. We walk inside to see Garte on the couch. I instantly get nervous inside. I don't exactly know what's gunna happen, but I have a feeling it's not gunna be good.

"H-Hey Dad." I gulp.

He stands up, "Hello Y/N. Who's this?"

I swallow. "Just my friend Gene."

"Sorry she's home so late, sir. I had to drop two of our other friends." He apologizes.

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