Truth or Dare

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We sit in a circle. "Three rounds?"

We all nod.

"I call first!" Zenix says.

I feel nervous. Every time I've played Truth or Dare at Laurence's parties, someone always gets embarrassed.

"Y/N, truth or dare?" He asks me.

I glance over at Gene who is giving me a look that says, 'Don't pick dare.'

"T-Truth." I stutter.

"Hm.. would you rather kiss me or Gene?" Zenix smirks.

"G-GENE! YOU SICKO!" I yell, my face turning red.

Gene smirks at Zenix and pulls me into a side-cuddle. He glares at Gene.

"My turn!" Sasha says. "Gene, truth or dare?"

"Dare." Gene smirks.

Sasha smiles and whispers something in Gene's ear and he nods, smirking at me.


"My turn, Y/N truth or dare?

"A-Again? Truth.."

"Chicken." Zenix mutters.

I glare at him, "Shut up."

"Would you rather kiss me or Lin-Manuel Miranda?"


"You gotta answer it~"


He smiles, "YES!"

He pulls me closer and abruptly kisses me. My face turns red as I kiss back. Zenix pulls Gene backwards harshly.

"Okay, thats enough." He growls.

My face is still red, "My turn! Sasha, truth or dare?"


"I dare you to... swallow a piece of Zenix's hair!"

"EW!" Sasha squeals.

Gene busts out laugh and Zenix glares at me, "Really Y/N?"


Sasha pulls out a piece of Zenix's hair and swallows it, instantly gagging.


"Old Spice." He smirks.


We all laugh. It's Zenix's turn again. "Y/N, truth or dare?"

Why's it always me?!

"Dare! See? I'm not a chicken!" I laugh.

"I dare you to..." He smirks, "Kiss me."

My face turns red, "NO WAY!"

"It's just a dare Y/N." He smiles, pulling me towards him.


Gene glares at him. "Dude, she doesn't have to."

He rolls his eyes and kisses me. I instantly pull away.

I kick him, "S-STOP IT!"

Gene pulls me backwards towards him and hugs me tightly.

"I think we're done playing this game, and we're definitely not playing spin the bottle.." Gene grits his teeth.

"Yeah, I wanna go to bed..."

Sasha nods. "Alright. I'll the my room ready."

Gene and Zenix glare at each other in silence while I hug Gene. Sasha comes down 10 minutes later and practically drags us upstairs.

"Y/N and I will take the bed, you two take the floor." She says.

We all nod silently and lay down.

The Perfect One//Gene X Reader(COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now