Behind the Bleachers

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When we arrive at school, I quickly check my backpack to make sure I have everything. Phone, check. Schedule, check. Books, check. Notebooks, check. That's everything. I take a deep breath. This is it. My first day of high school.

"Here we are!" Mom exclaims. "Have a nice day!"

We all hop out of the car and I try not to throw up from anxiety. Garroth must notice, because he shoots me a sympathetic look. He pats me on the back.

"Everything will be okay, (y/n). Just don't hang out with the wrong people." He says in a comforting tone, and then walks away. 

I nod turn to look for Vylad, but he's already off with the math geniuses, of course. I wouldn't expect him to be anywhere else. I laugh to myself. He's always the been the smarter twin. Garroth is standing relatively close by, talking to his best friend Laurence but he keeps looking over at me to make sure I'm fine. I gesture to him, trying to show him that I'm fine. But he's my big brother, will he ever stop worrying? I guess not. At least he's actually socializing, where as Zane is glued to my side.

"Zane! You've been here before!" I laugh, "Why are you still with me?"

He humphs. "Only for one year! I was at O'khasis Prep for freshmen year!"

Zane, Vylad and I had all gone to O'khasis Prep most of our lives. It's a private school, so we're pretty good students. Zane came here for highschool, Vylad came here just now. Somehow, he's already found his clique. Garroth has been here since Kindergarten, though. He's super popular.

"Yeah, you should still have friends though!"

"No! Have you met me?" He rolls eyes.

"Yes, I have. Even though your emo or whatever, you should still have friends."

"Whatever.." Suddenly, his eyes lit up. "Come with me!"

He took my hand and dragged me behind the bleachers on the soccer field. There's a small group of people behind there, all of them glaring at us. My heart skips a beat. They might beat us up! This is not how I wanted to spend my first day.

Zane, what have you gotten me into..?

"Ro'Meave, what're you doing back here?! Making out with your girlfriend?!" A boy said. A throw up in my mouth a little bit.

"She's my sister." Zane said nervously.

I scowled at the three behind the bleachers. One was a girl, she had white hair and wore a purple jacket. One was a boy, we wore a red flannel shirt (unbuttoned with a white tee under it) and dark brown, almost black hair. And one, who I assumed was the leader of the small group, had black hair and wore a shirt with a skull on it. All of them were decently attractive. Are these the popular kids?

"And who are these people, Zane?" I ask, glaring at him for bringing me back here with some creeps.

"We're the shadow knights, sweetie." The leader took a step forward.

I turned to them and tried my best to look intimidating. Zuzu had told me about them, they were ruthless. I start to front.  "For a name so epic, you guys really disappoint."

"What we lack in looks, we make up for in being feared." The girl rolled her eyes.

"Please, you guys are as intimidating as my goldfish, and he's dead." I scowl.

Zane laughs, "Preach."

I mutter. "Zane, let the big girl do the talki-"

"Zip it Zane!" The other boy yells.

"Hey! Knock it off! I'm the only one who can yell at him." I take a step forward and stomp my foot.

"Or what?!" They take step in.

"You don't wanna find out!" I grit my teeth.

"Or do we?!" The one in the middle yells, shoving me.

Garroth sees from a distance and sprints over, Laurence following him. Wow, this is going to escalate quickly. But in a way, I'm glad their coming (even though I'll never admit it.)

"Gene! Leave my sister alone!" Garroth yells.

"Or what?!" Gene yells.

I stand up and shove him. "Gene, or whatever your name is, leave me and my brother alone!"

A little ballsy of me, I know. But in all seriousness, this is the moment I knew my freshman year would be beyond interesting.

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