The Pervert's Party

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Its 6:30 pm, I pull my hair up into a bun and do one last inspection in the mirror. Eh, not as ugly as I expected.

I tug down my red, white, and blue tank top and dust off my jean shorts. "Lets do this." I whisper.

"Y/N ITS TIME TO GO!!" Garroth yells, shaking his keys.


"NO, YOU'RE NOT!" He responds.

"FINE I GOTTA TEXT HIM THEN, ONE SECOND." I yell back, exasperated.

I pull my phone out of my back pocket and text Zenix.

I pull my phone out of my back pocket and text Zenix

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"HURRY UP Y/N!" Garroth yelled.

"I'm coming!!!!!!" I respond, tucking my phone back in my pocket and running downstairs. "Lets hit the road!"

"Yeah, yeah." Garroth rolled his eyes.


(Now i'm writing while listening to Book Of Mormon so ye)

"Okay, Y/N." Garroth says as we arrive, "Be careful."

I tilt my head, "Okay?"

I walk away and try to find Zenix. The party was crowded, I instantly regretted coming. I glance around me, the sun is setting. People are partying while holding solo cups. Suddenly, I bump into something.

"Agh!" I stumble backwards.

I hear laughter, "Hey pretty lady."

I stand up and rub my head, "Excuse you?"

"I'm Travis." The man smirks.

Oh, you. "I'm Y/N, I should get going." I walk away.

He stops me by putting his hand on my shoulder, "Whats the rush? I've got a drink, music, and tons of fun here."

"I didn't mean leave the party, I meant get away from you."

"Thats rude. Why don't you like me?" He wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me closer.

"You reek of alcohol. Wait, aren't you underage?"

"Don't worry about that now. Lets go inside." He starts dragging me towards his house.

I resist, "Uh, no thanks."

But he keeps dragging me. "Travis, stop."

He doesn't answer.

"Stop!" I raise my voice and plant my feet into the ground.

Someone runs over and picks me up, getting me out of Travis' grip. "Garroth?"

"Pfft, Garroth over there with Dante. Being the could friend I am, I'm saving you." A familiar voice says.

"Laurence!" I hug him, "Oh thank Irene!"

Laurence laughs a bit, "No problem."

"Whatever..." Travis growls and walks away.

I smile and Laurence picks me up, "I'm gunna get you back to your brother."

I roll my eyes, "I can walk myself."

"Yeah, but apparently you can't stay out trouble." He says as he begins to walk.

Fair warning, there are gunna be some dirty words here. But censored like: Bi***. If this bothers you, you can keep reading at the next bold where I'll summarize it.

Zenix walks up to us, "Y/N! YOU SL**!"

I blink, "Zenix I can explain-"


"I didn't do anything wrong! Its just-"

"Didn't do anything wrong..." He laughs bitterly. "DIDN'T DO ANYTHING WRONG?! YOU CAME HERE WITH ZVAHL AND ME! WHAT THE H***?!"

Cuss words are done. Zenix basically cussed Y/N out.

"I didn't!" I attest.

"Save it Y/N..." Zenix walks off.

"Oh, how joyful." Laurence says sarcastically.

I glare at him.

"WHAT I MEANT IS... If he really thinks of you like that, he doesn't know you well enough to be worth your time." He corrects.

"Oh." I sigh.

Laurence drops me by my brother. "What happened?"

"Don't worry about it bro, she's fine." Laurence smiles.

Garroth's face was grim as he turned to me, "Wanna go home Y/N?"

I shake my head, "You have fun, I'll wait in the car with the windows down and the doors locked."

Garroth laughs a bit, "Okay, go on Sparky!"

I chuckle and walks to the car. I wasn't very happy, but at least Garroth and Laurence cheered me up a bit.

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