Art Skills, They're Not Mine

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We eventually arrive at the park. Gene nonchalantly leads us to a bridge.

"You got guts Tiger?" Zenix asks.

I nod, "I think?"

"Alright." Gene says. "Hand her some spray paint."

"What?! Me?!" I exclaim.

Sasha hands me a can of spray paint. "Mhm."

"But... uh, my art skills aren't very good-"

"Are you in or not?" Zenix yells.

"Simmer down Zenix, let her go at her own pace." Gene smirks.

I slowly approach the wall in which I was directed to do my 'art' on.


Finished. Zenix, Sasha, and Gene burst out laughing.

"Really?!" Sasha laughs.

"That looks like a blob!" Zenix cackles.

"Hey! At least she tried, I think." Gene smirks.

"Yeah, yeah." Zenix groans, rolling his eyes.

"Fine, she did. But it could use ALOT of work." Sasha adds.

"Either way," Gene interrupts. "Welcome to the Shadow Knights, Tiger."

"We should get moving!" Sasha suggests.

"Yeah, you two go, Y/N and I will catch up." Gene tells them.


"Alright." Zenix and Sasha say in unison, walking away.

"So, tiger." Gene says when they're out of sight.


"Whats the deal with your brothers, eh?"

"Oh, I don't wanna talk about them right now..."

"Cmon! You're in a safe place! Just you and me." Gene digs.

I sigh, "Well... they betrayed me, they knew about this family stuff. And they didn't tell me... After all we've been through together, they kept this from me..."

"Oh, I see. And how does that make you feel?"

"Why do you sound like a therapist?" I ask.

He rolls his eyes, "Just answer the question."

"It makes me... sad?"

"Just sad? No anger?" He interrogates.

"I mean... I'm angry at myself for all of this... I guess I should go-"

"No! Don't be angry at yourself darling! What I'm trying to teach you is all this crap isn't your fault!"

"I have to disagree..."

"They're the ones who ruined your life! You're life was fine until your parents gave up!! It was fine until your brothers forgot about you!"

"Forgot about me....?" For the millionth time, my heart shatters.

"I mean, why else would they not tell you?" Gene smirked.


"You're an amazing person Y/N, you are capable of much more than being the unknown Ro'Meave.."


"And if they don't see that... I'll make them see.."


Gene kissed my cheek.

"What the..."

"Lets go Tiger, we've got work to do." He winked.

He grabs my hand and lifts me to my feet. We run after Sasha and Zenix.

The Perfect One//Gene X Reader(COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now