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After a long, hard day at school, I'm happy to jump into my mother's car. I sit down in shot gun and receive a glare from Garroth. If you haven't already been able to tell, we argue a lot over stupid stuff.

"What? Its my turn!" I tell him.

"I don't care." He shrugs.

I sigh, "If it means that much to you, fine." I get out of the car and climb to the back.

"No, Y/N. I don't care about the front seat." He says flatly.

"Oh. Okay then." I say getting up front again.

"I care that you joined the Shadow Knights!" Garroth yelled.

Everyone gasped, "Y/N?!"

"I didn't! They made me sit with them at lunch and in class!" I retort.

"Why'd you go to them in the first place?!" Garroth shouts back.

"I told you! I was helping Zane! Do your ears work?"

"Zane could've handled it by himself." Vylad said, calmly.

"Vylad, he drug me over there." I roll my eyes.

"Oh. Then, Zane, how dare you get m-"

"Zuzu! Why'd you need help?!" Mom cooed.

"Mom! Don't call me that! We're still at school!" Zane groaned.

"They bully him!" I interrupt.

"Why didn't you ask Garroth, Zane?" Vylad said, still in a calm matter.

"He was busy with Laurence." Zane shrugged. "Besides, he only helps you two for some reason."

"Oh. You're right, Garroth never seems to help you." Vylad says in his quiet voice.

"Let's just forget this matter, kiddos! I hate seeing you guys fight and lord knows what your father would say if he heard about this." Mom said.

Everyone nodded and went silent after his name.

When we got home, Garte was on the couch. "'Afternoon, kids."

"Afternoon, dad."

"How was your first day at school Vylad?" He asked


"And yours Y/N?" He asked again.


"Great!" He cheered. "Anyone on for family game night?"

"Eh.. sure!" Everyone responded.

This should be fun.

"Well, get out Monopoly!" Garte yells in a cheery voice.

Of course, Monopoly. Dad's favorite game. He liked it because, well he's a business man and it deals with making financial choices. Garroth gets it out. I'll never forget that last time we played this.

"Its alright Vylad, you can have Boardwalk." Garroth insisted. I was five, and so was Vylad. It was our first time playing. Zane was seven, and Garroth was nine.

"No! Vylad has to earn Boardwalk!" Dad yelled.

"Sweetheart, it's just a game." Mom cooed.

"Its not just a game Zianna! This is life lessons! Garroth can't be there to give Vylad everything he needs!" Dad said flipping the table.

I was mortified. Mom tried to calm him down, but he just wouldn't. He thought it was very important that we all learn good financial tactics, even though we were all very young at the time and hardly understood the game. Especially Vylad and I. I could tell Vylad was very upset, too, as he hardly talked for the remainder of the time we cleaned up and ate dinner downstairs.

That night, Vylad and I sat in our room and talked about stuff. The room was dark apart from the one lamp that we had turned off. I was sitting in Vylad's bed and whispering to him because we were supposed to be asleep.

"Hey Vylad, what is a financial tactic?" I ask him.

"Something to do with money I think."

"Well, why does dad care about that so much?" I asked. "He seemed very angry."

"Let's go ask Garroth." He suggested.


We tip toed off to Garroth's room and opened the door. It creaked and he looked up at us from his bed. He looked upset.

"Gar-Gar, why does daddy care so much about financial tactics?"

We play the game, and well, it definitely wasn't as bad as last time. Maybe dad has lost his edge. I mean, he's always had anger issues and this was very unexpected.. I've never seen dad so humble about losing. Something must be up.

"Good job, Zane!" I said, congratulating him on winning.

"Hey kids," Dad says. "I have some news."

The Perfect One//Gene X Reader(COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now