Where Have You Been?

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We all arrive back at the school after our little graffiti scandal. Its already lunch. I wave bye to Sasha, as I want to sit with Vylad. Then I remember what Vylad did..

I shake my head quickly and walk past the boys and sit alone. They look after me. I don't look at them.

After lunch, I throw my untouched food away and walk into the hallway. My stomach fills up with dread. Garroth walks over to me.

"Y/N..." He begins.

I brush past him. Gene, Sasha and Zenix walk towards me. I avoid them too.

In class, I'm not paying the slightest bit of attention, at all. I'm thinking about my situation at home.

I walk home alone from school. I don't get in the car with mom and the boys, I just walk right past them. I can tell the boys are frowning. I hear mom call after me. The boys probably shake their heads and tell mom to let it go.

I arrive home a whole hour and a half after them. I silently walk through the door, only to accidentally slam it.

I see the boys talking to mom and dad. Dad must've taken the day off. Lucky me.

Dad stands up, "Y/N. Where have you been?"

"Dad..." Vylad grabs his arm and tries to drag him back down. Dad slaps his arm.

I can see the rage boiling with Garte. He walks over and slaps me in the face.


"Go! To your room!"

I just stand there.


"Garte calm down..." Garroth says.

I feel my cheek stinging as Garte slaps me again.

"STOP IT!" Garroth yells.

Garte shoves me backwards, I fall and hit my head. I feel a volt of pain in my temple then everything goes black.


When I come to consciousness, I'm in bed. Garroth is on the floor, Zane is beside him, Vylad is at the edge of my bed, and mom sits beside me.

I sit up and feel so much pain I fall back down, causing everyone's heads to turn back to me.

"Y/N!" They yell.

I attempt to sit up again, but I fall. I hit my head on my bed post and fall into unconsciousness again.

The next time I wake up, I'm in a hospital room it seems. I look around and observe the room. I see an IV in my arm and a nurse to my left.

"Oh, you're awake!" She smiles.

I rub my eyes, "Hmm?"

"You took a tumble down the stairs, hun. Hit your head on the door. You fell unconscious twice."


"You could've been a goner, you're family was smart enough to take you straight here."


"Oh my, I don't see how it happened really. Those stairs would have to be very long to of hurt you that bad."

"Yeah, I guess they are pretty long.."

"You should get them inspected. You're family is out in the waiting room. I'm going to call the reception to tell her that they can come in. You'll have to stay over night."


"Don't worry dear, you'll still be able to school tomorrow if you feel like it. We'll have to talk to transport of course, but it can be arranged."


The nurse skips over to the phone. "Ro'Meave family, room 115 for Ms.    Y/N Ro'meave!"

Two minutes later, my family comes bursting through the door, causing me to jerk upwards and fall back.

"Sorry Y/N!" They say.

"Its okay."

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I think.."

We chatted for a while, then they left..

The Perfect One//Gene X Reader(COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now