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This chapter is nuts.
I pace the sidewalk like a complete maniac in the pitch-black and night. Alone with my thoughts, alone in the world. I turn on my phone on silent so I don't hear any phone calls or texts.

I think of something to do. Go home? Go back into Beans? Go back to the hospital? Just sit on a bench? Call someone?

I deny all those thought with a shake of my head and brainstorm something to do. Then, the ultimate idea comes into my head- then it disappears. Gosh, I'm so emotionally tired.. I'm just tired in general...

I blink myself awake, I'm on the bench. Guess this is okay..

I feel nothing. I feel no emotion. I pinch myself, Am I dreaming?

I feel physical pain. I shrug it off.

Something pops up, rage.

I turn my head to see Garroth sitting next to me. "Y/N? Are you okay?"

His voice echoes in my mind and my head spins.


I give him a blank stare, trying to make out what the emotion behind his voice was. Anger? Worry? Confusion? Why'd he come after me? He doesn't love me.. No one loves me.

I feel an overwhelming surge of rage again. I stand up and run off towards our neighborhood. I hear him yelling after me. I sense him standing up. I hear is foot steps behind me. Bam, bam, bam, bam.

I outrun him, the next thing I know I'm under a tree, hitting the trunk.

Bang, bang, bang, wait..

I turn around. Where am I?

The sounds of the night echo in my brain.

I spot our house, I think it's our house anyway. I run over to it and knock on the door.

Kaboom, bam, bang. "Hello?!" I call.

I familiar women answers the door. "Oh, there you are Y/N. Everyone is looking for you."

I look at her, Who are you? My brain needs to work.. Who are you..? Who are you...? WHO ARE YOU?!

Rage. Fear. I drop to my knees and start sobbing.


Oh, Gene's mom. I think through the tears.

I blink, everything turns black, I can't open my eyes. WHY WON'T MY EYES OPEN?!


It's cold. I think.

My brain finally cooperates and my eyes open. I feel pain in my legs.

I look around. Hospital room... what happened?

I see a lot of people. Mom, Garroth, Vylad, Zane, Garte, Gene, Laurence, Aphmau, Katelyn, Sasha, and Zenix in a wheel chair.

I sit up, my head hurts. "Hello?"

"Y/N!" They all exclaim. I'm encased in a group hug.

"What happened?" I ask.

"I dunno Y/N, what happened?" Zenix asks furiously.

I tilt my head, "Huh?"

"Well sweetie," Mom begins. "You got mad at your friends, ran out of the hospital room, went to Beans, paced to sidewalk, ran away from Garroth-"

"WITHOUT your crutches." Garroth interrupts, holding up my crutches.

"Then you beat up a tree like it owed you something." Zane joked. Garroth hit him.

Garte continues, "You showed up at Gene's doorstep, had a breakdown, and passed out."

Gene nods, "My mom told me everything."

"Wait- I did?" I ask, confused.

How the heck..

"The doctors said your had a panic attack." Vylad says.


"Y/N, why didn't you tell us?" Katelyn, Aphmau, and Sasha ask.

I want to run out of the room, but my legs hurt and my arms are latched to the hospital bed. I guess they predicted this..

I look around, frightened. This is like a nightmare.

Mom must've noticed the terrified look on my face. "Y/N, do you want us to leave?"

"Not all of you.."

"Okay, who do you want in here with you sweetie?" She asks warmly.

"Just you, Garroth, Zane, Vylad, and Dad for now.." I ask.

Everyone nods and leaves. "Feel better."

Btw, Y/N's panic attack was based off mine. NOT ALL OF IT IS REAL, but one time I had one where I didn't know what to do. It makes you feel... insane, alone, to put it simply: nothing. But fear, really. Scary right? *shrugs* This was exaggerated tho.

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