Gene's House

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I sit on Gene's full size bed and stare at the ceiling. Gene is downstairs getting ice for his ankle. He also called his mom to ask her what to do. She said she wouldn't be home for a few hours.

I sigh and take this opportunity to text a few

I sigh and take this opportunity to text a few

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I shut off my phone and Gene comes upstairs with some water and an ice pack

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I shut off my phone and Gene comes upstairs with some water and an ice pack.

"Gene," I begin. "I'm fine."

"Don't start that, I had to carry you here. You're not fine." He rolls his eyes.

"Whatever.." I say as he places the ice pack on my ankle.

He sits next to me. "So, whatcha wanna watch?"

"Nothing..." I say.

"Pfft..." He rolls his eyes. "Why so difficult?"

I cross my arms, "I AM NOT BEING DIFFICULT!"

"Uh-huh. Sure you aren't." Gene laughs.

"I'm just tired and I feel like my ankle is being repeatedly stabbed!" I pout.

"Aw, poor baby." He mocks with a fake sympathetic frown.

I glare at him.

"I have angered the kitty-cat. What's it gonna dooo~?" He teases.

I think a moment then reply, "I would kill you, but I'm afraid I'm at a halt for physical activity so I'll just have to glare at you."

He laughs, "At least I get to see you're beautiful face, even if you screw it up to be intimidating."

My face turns a bright pink. "Shut up! That's so pervy!"

He laughs again, "Fine, do you wanna sleep?"

"No! I'm not tired!" I pout like a child.

Gene facepalms. "But you just said you were!"

"No!" I retort. "Stop putting words in my mouth!"

"Okay, you're going to sleep." He decides.

"Waaaah! I don't wanna!" I whine.

He laughs, "Well you have too."

"No! You can't make me!" I protest.

He nods with a smile, "Yes, I can."

I glare at him, "No you can't! I'm not a child!"

"Exactly, that's why it's not wrong if I do this." He declares, kissing me.

My eyes widen and I kiss back. We both pull away.

"Go to sleep, little tiger~" He winks.

I roll my eyes and lay down, "Fine.."

Gene lays down next to me and I roll my eyes.

The Perfect One//Gene X Reader(COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now